We can work on SOC 2109 University of Ottawa Social Psychology & Everyday Life Reflection Paper – Assignment Help

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Based off of the results from the sexual deviance survey, as well as using at least one (1) external source (peer-reviewed article or course book) from the course, discuss these results. Your role is to critically analyze these results in order to further understand them. Use course readings/content, the results of the survey, and if possible, personal experience.

To receive full marks, you must write between 600 and 800 words detailing personal reflections about the course material (these are not journal entries, they are academic engagements) as well as two separate responses to other student’s post of at least 250 to 450 words each. You will receive 2 marks for your discussion post, and 1 mark for each response – 2 in total. Please also remember to include a word count for both your original post and your response.

Please remember that, in spite of the relative anonymity of the internet and online platforms, these discussion boards are meant to be safe and enabling spaces for you to engage with the course materials and postulate responses in a professional and scholarly manner. We will not tolerate any form of hate speech so please be respectful and adhere to the University of Ottawa’s policies regarding such behaviour.

To participate, use the “Discussion Board” option on the course’s Brightspace page. There, select “Discussion Board #6 – Sexual Deviance” and initiate a new discussion. To do this, select “Start a New Thread” and write your thoughts. Then, to answer to someone else’s thread, select that thread, read your classmates’ thoughts, and provide a constructive and pertinent response.

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