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I’m working on a Social Science question and need guidance to help me study.

1) What are your overall thoughts and feelings regarding the documentary on the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment?

2) Most people’s initial reaction to the Tuskegee experiment is to ask how it could have happened. What do you think? Could it happen again? Is there anything like the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment going on today that you are aware of?

3) Some groups have a history of being exploited by medical researchers; others (e.g., women) of being left out; some of both. To what extent should research take into account differences among human beings? For instance, should they assume people are basically alike, and not actively seek out differences? Should they assume from the beginning that race and sex may be biologically relevant?

4A) Formulate an evidence-based practice question to guide your decision about the most effective intervention to employ in the case of a 6-year-old Native American boy who witnessed his father severely battering his mother, and whose diagnosis included both conduct disorder and PTSD.

4B) Suppose your search for evidence to answer your question in 4A yielded no study in which the characteristics of the participants matched those of your client. Discuss the various considerations that would guide your decision about which of several different empirically supported interventions is most likely to be effective with your client.

5) What do you see as the primary limitations to evidence-based practice? What do you think about the most prevalent criticisms to evidence-based practice?

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