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Knowledge Application: Evaluation

In this module we have taken a look at some methods of evaluation for use with our clients from a Generalist Practice perspective. Take a look at the questions below and follow the instructions to post and respond within your small groups.

Reflect and Post


To respond to these questions, think about the evaluation methods that are used in your Field Placement agency/organization.

  1. How would you describe the evaluation that is used with the client population? (tell us what agency, client population, etc.)
  2. Given what you know about evaluation, how would you critique the evaluation that is used?
  3. What changes would you make to the evaluation process at the agency?

M8.5 Evaluation Group Discussion

Note: You must make your post before you can see your group members’ posts.

Due by: 11/14/20 11:59 pm EST


After you post respond substantively to at least 2 of your classmates.

  • What stands out to you about your classmate’s post?
  • What comes up for you (emotionally, logically, irrationally) when you read their post?

Due by: 11/16/20 11:59 pm EST

Assignment Check Area

Make sure to address the items below and in the grading rubric before turning in your assignments.

Assignment Specific Grading Items

  1. Posts should be about 2-3 paragraphs in length.
  2. Provide a thoughtful and comprehensive response to each of the questions.
  3. Please see grading rubric below for general grading criteria.

Assignment Formatting

  1. Please ensure your post is free of spelling/grammar/punctuation errors.
  2. If you are sharing a story/situation about someone you know (other than classmates) that is sensitive in nature, please avoid sharing their real name or other personally identifying characteristics. This does not apply for public figures (e.g., elected leaders, media personalities).
  3. Please make sure to use APA style if you cite outside references including course materials (Author last name, year). In such cases, list your full Reference information at the bottom of the post (similar to how you would construct a References list for an academic paper).

Help & Support Recourses

  • To help avoid “losing” your work before you post it, I always recommend first composing your work in a word processor (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google docs) where you can “save” and edit your work prior to posting it for the class. Then, when you are ready, copy/paste the content into the online discussion board.
  • For problems with iCollege or your personal computer, please contact the HELP desk ([email protected] or 404-413-HELP).
  • Consider using spell check within a word processing program or a tool such as Grammarly to help catch writing errors before submission.
  • See Class Resources – Writing & Research folder for help on APA Style

Grading Rubric – Online Discussions

Note: Any form of Plagiarism = Automatic ‘F’ Fail grade. Missing posts will be given a grade of zero.


A+/A- (88-100%)


B+/B- (78-87%)

Needs Improvement

C+/C- (70-77%)


(Less than 70%)

Assignment Specific Grading Items

(55 pts.)

Assignment questions and required items are addressed comprehensively, accurately and specifically. Offers strong support for arguments or points.

If a collaborative activity, student actively collaborates with group, perhaps taking the lead in suggesting a direction for group work or posting on behalf of the group.

Most questions and requirements are addressed accurately and specifically. Support for arguments or points may be weak.

If a collaborative activity, student actively collaborates with group.

Missing answers to questions or doesn’t address many requirements. Support for arguments or points is weak.

If a collaborative activity, barely collaborates with group members or does so in a very superficial manner or at the last minute.

Does not address questions or requirements, or attempts are largely inaccurate.

If a collaborative activity, does not collaborate with group members in creating group post by the deadline

Writing & Clarity

(20 pts.)

Answers are clear, well-written and free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. No errors in APA style. Scholarly style. Cites all data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and/or bibliography.

Answers are clear, a few small grammatical and spelling mistakes. Rare errors in APA style that do not detract from the paper. Scholarly style. Cites most data obtained from other sources.

Answers are clear but there are many spelling and grammatical mistakes. Errors in APA style is noticeable. Cites some data obtained from other sources. Citation style is either inconsistent or incorrect.

Answers are unclear or difficult to understand, there are many spelling and grammatical mistakes. Errors in APA style detracts substantially from the paper. Word choice is informal in tone. Does not cite source.

Critical Analysis (Understanding of Topic)

(10 points)

Writing displays an excellent understanding of the required readings and underlying concepts including correct use of terminology. Integrates lectures, readings, or relevant research, or specific real-life application (work experience, prior coursework, etc.) to support important points.

Writing repeats and summarizes basic, correct information, but does not apply lectures, readings, or relevant research or specific real-life applications.

Writing shows little or no evidence that class lectures and readings were understood. Writings are largely personal opinions or feelings, or “I agree” or “Great idea,” without supporting statements with concepts from the readings, outside resources, relevant research, or specific real-life application.

Writing lacks evidence of critical analysis, and poor use of supportive evidence.

Participation in the Learning Community

(15 points)

Posts actively stimulate and sustain further discussion by building on peers’ responses including;- building a focused argument, – asking a new related question, making an oppositional statement supported by personal experience related research.

Posts contribute to ongoing conversations as evidenced by – making agreeing statements with few or no references to relevant research.

Posts do not contribute to ongoing conversations. Replies to other students was missing – if at least two replies were required, only one was presented or the replies you gave contained little substance.

Does not post, or posts on the last day of the module which leaves no opportunity for peer responses.

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