We can work on Soc 001 UC Davis Historical Change Class Conflict & Modern Industrial Capitalism Discussion – Assignment Help

I’m trying to study for my Social Science course and I need some help to understand this question.

Part I: Identify ALL ten terms by describing in several sentences. Give example when appropriate. (2 points each) (EDIT: 500 word total limit)

  • Habitus
  • Patriarchy
  • Culture
  • Class Consciousness
  • Dramaturgy
  • Heteronomativity
  • Alienation
  • Stratification
  • Exploitation
  • Dialectical Materialism

Part II: Answer three out of four questions in essay form. Be direct and thorough in your answers! (25 points each/limit 500 words each}

  1. Based on your reading of the Communist Manifesto and class lectures, describe Marx’s theory of historical change, class conflict, and Modern Industrial Capitalism’s impact on workers. Why is alienation and exploitation problems for workers? How will the proletariat come to own the means of production? Why does capitalism have a crisis?
  1. What is sociology and what is the sociological imagination? Why is this question at the heart of the sociological enterprise, and why do sociologists like Erickson say that “the personal is political? Give examples.
  1. Describe what happened in the battle described by Barbara Koppel’s in her documentary film Harlan County U.S.A. while highlighting some of Karl Marx’s and Pierre Bourdieu’s ideas about class reproduction, labor, and capital. How do their views coincide? Explain…
  1. Using Bourdieu’s ideas of capital and habitus, explain why social class tends to be reproduced across generations. What role does education play? Why should we care?

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