We can work on Simple Variables

Create a special calculator that reads a number from the user, checks that it is an integer and performs a series of mathematical calculations

In a web page create scripts for the following scenarios. The page can have an input form or use prompt boxes to get the information from the user that is needed for the scripts.

Create a special calculator that read a number from the user, checks that it is an integer and performs a series of mathematical calculations as listed:

calculates the number’s factorial. A factorial is the product of an integer and all the integers below it; e.g., the factorial of 4 is equal to 24 (4 * 3 * 2 * 1).
Calculate the square and cube of the number. A number squared is a number that is multiplied by itself; e.g., 22 is equal to 4 (2 * 2). A number cubed is a number that is multiplied by itself twice e.g., 23 is equal to 8 (2 * 2 * 2).
Output the result into the appropriate field on the page.
Test your script in at least two browsers and document any debugging plus version control of your script

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