We can work on Simple regression modeling and meta-analysis

  1. For each of your six OECD or WHR predictors, develop five single-year simple re- gression models on OECD or WHR data, selecting either the OECD variable “Life Satisfaction” or WHR variable “Life Ladder” as the dependent variable. That is, you could develop simple regressions on WHR data for each of the predictors of “Life Lad- der” for each year of data that you consider. We are using data from five separate years in order to obtain five models for each predictor for meta analysis.
  2. Document your regression results in a table showing the model coefficient (b1), R2, p-value, and confidence interval of the slope.
  3. Perform a meta analysis (using the “Single r” tab in the Excel-based ESCI Meta Analysis tool – available as a free download) of each predictor using the five year mod- els. Include the “synthesis forest plot, synthesized confidence interval, and associated p-value in your report for each predictor you study.
  4. Use your results to select six predictors that you think are the “best,” and moti- vate your choices. Discuss the requirements for regression (linearity, normality, ho- moskedasticity, and independence) for each and include scatterplots for each of the six predictors you select.

Sample Solution

proach the decision is based on co-movements, and co- relations that is derived out of the past data and these historical co-movements patterns are bound to change and also in times of severe market turmoil the investor does not experience the expected risk return projected through diversification approach. Types of investment Clients The investment clients are broadly classified into two types : • Individual Investor:(the below are listed in the order of importance of purpose for allocation of the individuals capital) a. Life Insurance b. Health Insurance c.Emergency reserve funds d. Investment towards goals • Institutional Investors a. Defined Benefit Pension plans b. Endowments & Foundation c. Banks d. Insurance company e. Investment Companies f. Sovereign Wealth funds Valuation of Stocks There are three methods in the valuation of stock namely: 1. Income approach – It is based on the theory that the value of a business is equal to the present value of its projected future benefits.The method used to value the stocks in this approach is the dividend discount model in which the value of the company stock price is based on the theory that its stock is worth the sum of all its future dividend payments , discounted back to their present value. The equation used in this model is known as gordon growth model.>

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