Analyze and discuss Case Study 10-2 on pages 534 – 535 of the course textbook. As I mentioned in the Introduction to Module Five, this is my favorite case, “Should the Union Represent Slick Willie Owens?” Respond by submitting an APA-compliant two-page paper in which you answer the following questions:
- What are Willie’s arguments which would require the union to represent him without Willie paying any money?
- What are the union members’ arguments which would require Willie to pay for the cost of representation?
- Is the adopted proposal fair to Willie? Is it fair to the Union members?
- If the union refuses to represent Willie and pay for the union’s attorney and its share of the arbitration costs and then Willie files charges against the union with the NLRB, how will the NLRB rule?
- If you were a member of the union, how would you have voted on the proposal? Why?
- If you were a member of management and learn about Willie’s position and the union’s position, what would you do?
A controlled drug was smoked and excessive alcohol was consumed by Slick Willie on the first day of 2015. Due to lack of time, he was unable to complete these tasks that day. Despite the fact that the company’s drug and alcohol policy was adopted, it explicitly specifies that any drinking must occur “during working hours,” regardless of a test result an employee receives.. The policy is null and void if Willie was not found to be intoxicated on January 2nd, 2015 as required. We can’t presume that he was given the facts as they were provided. Willie’s years of service to the organization, his solid service record, and his first-offense defense would have been greater arguments for regaining his position than this. Consequently, Willie’s back and forth with the business and union is for nothing