We can work on Short Paper

For this week’s Short Paper, you are tasked with the following:




Compose a 3 – 5 page document that contains 5 – 10 Works Cited citations for sources you plan to use in your Research Paper, under each of which you include a 50 – 150 word “annotation” paragraph that contains a summary of the information and/or argument within the source, some discussion of how you might use the source in your paper, and a brief evaluation of the credibility and validity of each source, based on the CRAP test and/or criteria list in Methods of Discovery for verifying credibility and validity of sources. 




For reference, an example Annotated Bibliography has been included in the Week 9 Module; keep in mind, however, this is not a complete example as it lists only one source with one annotation.




This short paper must be a minimum of 1000 words and, in addition to containing proper MLA citations, must use proper MLA page formatting where it concerns page numbers, student name, instructor name, class number, date and title. Also, make sure the document is double-spaced between lines.

This assignment will be graded based the same criteria as our previous Short Paper, including Mechanics, Components, and Insight (i.e. how well do you explain the information from the source and how thoughtful are you in connecting the information with your question at issue and/or thesis?).

Submissions must be made in either .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. A rubric has been made available to facilitate your understanding of how the paper will be graded; it is available below.

NOTICE: This assignment will be submitted from Canvas to Vericite, a web-based plagiarism checker that will test your paper against multiple paper repositories as well as the broader internet, so, again, do not cheat! (see the course policy about Academic Honesty and/or the Lake Tahoe Community College standards for student conduct for further information about plagiarism and academic dishonesty)

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