We can work on Sexual Liberty and Transgender Politics Political Science Discussion – Assignment Help

I’m working on a political science writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Answer two (and only two) of the questions below. Your answers must be between 2 and 3 pages long. You should use 12 point font and double space or 1.5 space if you feel you want to say more about it. Make sure your name and student id are at the top. You can turn it in as one document and you should turn it in through Canvas. You should not refer to any materials other than those assigned in the class. In each answer, you must refer to at least 2 of the assigned readings and other material from the class. You should refer to them with embedded cites for example: (Smith 2017). These questions are designed to be thought pieces that should demonstrate your ability to analyze and process the information from the course. You should turn your answer in through canvas. The essay is worth 40 points which is 40% of your grade for the course.

Answer 2 of the following questions:

  • How did sex become a civil liberty?
  • Explain how the creation and expansion of the FBI was intertwined with the regulation of sex.
  • What can we learn from the controversies over the songs we heard by Billie Holiday, Cardi B, and Lil Nas X about the use of regulation of sex by the government.
  • Explain the politics that envelope people who identify as transgender.

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