We can work on self- assessment paper using pamela hays’ addressing model – Assignment Help


I need only 4 simple pages without any out resources USE JUST THE FILE ATTACHED AND THE LINK AT THE BOTTOM. **With the verb (I). I will attach the Pamela Hays’ Addressing Model and the first part that I did it about my self.

The name of this class is Culture and Gender in Counseling and Psychotherapy

The paper has to due in two parts. The first part I did it in the first of the semester, and the second part it due now. 

It is a self-assessment. The first part was about my self-identity. The second part is:

The second section is due in Week 11 and should be 4-6 pages APA style. This section is to include a self-assessment using Pamela Hays’ Addressing Model discussed in class, along with reflections of changes or new awareness that has emerged as a result of the course. In other words, reflect back on Part 1. You are to turn in the graded copy of Part 1 along with Part 2.


Here is what the professor said:

C) Self-Assessment.  This paper has two parts. The first section will be a follow-up to in-class activities presented in Weeks 1 and 2.  For this assignment, you will reflect on your cultural identity.  Honesty is expected and will not be penalized, however, a respectful tone is required.  The first section should be 2-3 pages APA Style and is an honest assessment of your cultural identity and how you see yourself at the start of this class. We will do a few in-class exercises during the first two weeks to support this process. The second section is due Week 11 and should be 4-6 pages APA Style. This section is to include a self-assessment using Pamela Hays’ Addressing Model discussed in class, along with reflections of changes or new awareness that has emerged as a result of the course. In other words, reflect back on Part 1. 

The following are questions to consider in the completion of this assignment:

a) Which one of these identities (from the ADDRESSING model) do you find to be most salient? Why? Which is least salient? Why?

b) What does it mean to you (and to American society as a whole) to be part of this group? 

c) What are some of your recollections about interactions and experiences that have significantly impacted your cultural identity development as part of this group?  Have your feelings changed or stayed the same about being part of this group?

d) Have you contributed to discrimination or oppression as part of this group?  Have you been a victim of discrimination or oppression as part of this group? 

e) What messages have you received (directly or indirectly) about people who share your identity and people who do not share your identity?

f) What are some skills you have learned in this class that you can use when working with individuals from diverse groups?

g) Have your views changed since taking this class?  If so, how?  What are some areas you still need to work on? 


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