We can work on Scottsdale Community College How I Harnessed Wind by William Kamkwamba Discussion – Assignment Help

I’m working on a Social Science exercise and need support.

You will watch the TED talk by William Kamkwamba titled “How I Harnessed the Wind (Links to an external site.)” and reflect on the following questions:

1. How did William’s hope, resilience, and hard work change the lives of so many people?

2. From all the material you have seen this semester, what are some examples of struggles people tend to encounter to achieve their dreams? Feel free to mention your own if you like.

3. What do you intend to accomplish in your life that will impact/improve the lives of others?

No need to reply to classmates this week since the course ends earlier.


This is a short writing assignment reflection on what you learned in class over the semester. Feel free to pick a topic of your particular interest or write about your overall experience taking a sociology course.

ONLY word or PDF files will be accepted.


Reflection Rubric

Reflection Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSociological lens

30.0 pts


Submission incorporates a sociological lens.

15.0 pts


Submission does not include sociological insight.

0.0 pts


No submission

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCourse connection to life

30.0 pts


Submission applies sociological examination to their life or career goals.

15.0 pts


Does not reflect any course learning or connection to life.

0.0 pts


No submission

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeElaborate

30.0 pts


Elaborate development of reflection.

15.0 pts


Work was rushed or shows no dedication.

0.0 pts


No submission

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar

10.0 pts


Meticulous work submission.

5.0 pts


Includes grammar errors; work wasn’t carefully reviewed.

0.0 pts


No submission

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

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