We can work on SC Back to School Preschool a Place for A Shape Hand Made Material Lesson Plan – Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


  1. Please read these directions.
  2. Review the information that you learned about Mathematics (Pages or PDF).
  3. Think of a theme (Back-to-School, Transportation, Underwater, etc…)
  4. Use the blank template to complete your assignment.
  5. Use the Mathematics Preschool Learning Foundations. Math_preschoollf.pdf =


Lesson Plan _ Math Example.jpg

Important: When designing a lesson plan, it must be detailed enough that any educator/teacher can read it and teach your lesson.


  1. Process Art Only! No crafts.
  2. Ask yourself: Would Piaget approve of my hands-on lesson for preschoolers?
  3. Use Realia (real objects rather than pictures if possible).
  4. Include the actual vocabulary words that you want the children to learn: temperature, weather, fall, spring, winter, summer, leaves, etc.
  5. If you are signing a song, type out the song and include it in the lesson plan.
  6. Write the Title of a book and the Author.
  7. Do not have children complete worksheets in any lesson plan that you create for this course.
  8. Include handouts, pictures, charts, images, samples.
  9. Remember to include the number and domain for the Preschool Learning Foundation.
  10. Hand made means: a poster, a game board, puppets, flannel pieces, etc.


Your grade will be based on the directions and on the criteria in the attached rubric. Please check your assignment for your grade and read my feedback. If you have a question about my feedback, add a comment to this assignment.

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