The company has been engaged to complete an aerial-work charter flight overwater from YABC
to YBZZ (island). The flight will be completed in a Bell Long Ranger B-206L.
The main requirement is that 8kg boxes of Durian fruit are transported to YBZZ. Loadmasters
are required to be on board the aircraft to ensure the safe delivery of the fruit at YBZZ.
YBZZ HLS is within a confined area.
Although packaged well this cargo is unacceptably odoriferous. Though unconventional you
resolve to carry the boxes as an external sling load. This will ensure the cabin environment is not
compromised causing an external threat to the essential crew members on board.
Flight Planning Data: Bell B 206L Long Ranger
Total Distance 191nm
Weather for flight 10kt tail wind, Area QNH 980, Sky Clear
Cruising Altitude 7500â AMSL
YABC HLS Elevation 2500â AMSL, OAT +350
c, QNH 980
YBZZ HLS Elevation 6000â AMSL
(No TAF forecast available. Within the same area forecast area)
ARFOR – Environmental Lapse Rate ISA
Loading Data
Bell Long Ranger- Basic Empty Weight 1020.6Kg
Oil 5.9Kg
Pilot x 1 80Kg
Life raft x 1 secured to a row 2 seat 85Kg
Loadmasters x 2 seated in the rear 85Kg â per Loadmaster
Crew baggage 69Kg â Stowed in Baggage compartment
Cargo â Sling Load To be determined
Planned Fuel at take off 360 Liters (Turbine Fuel)
Company Fuel Policy CAAP: 234
Variable reserve 15%
Fixed reserve 20mins
Please provide for assessment your solutions including your detailed calculations and reasoning
methods. Complete with reference to the B206L flight manual extract.
Rotary Wing Assignment – V1.0 / 09.2017 pg. 3
Considering the actual and expected environmental conditions at both the departure HLS and
arrival HLS. You will be required to hover out of ground effect (assume nil wind). What are the
weight limitations that will necessarily apply to both the departure and arrival locations?
Considering the environmental conditions forecast. Calculate the Flight Fuel Required to cruise
from YABC to YBZZ. (Ignore hovering, climbs and descents).
Total Distance 191nm
Weather for flight 10kt tail wind, Area QNH 980, Sky Clear
Cruising Altitude 7500â AMSL
Given the loading data below. Will the Helicopter remain within center of gravity limits for the
entire flight? Provide a load sheet that shows the center of gravity conditions throughout the
Loading Data
Bell Long Ranger- Basic Empty Weight 1020.6Kg
Oil 5.9Kg
Pilot x 1 80Kg
Life raft x 1 on a row two seat 85Kg
Loadmasters x 2 seated in the rear 85Kg â per Loadmaster
Crew baggage 69Kg â Stowed in Baggage compartment
Planned Fuel at take off 360 Litres (Turbine Fuel) (288kg)
To maximize the load that can be carried in the sling and comply with center of gravity
limitations you resolve to move 30kgs from the baggage compartment and secure it to the row
two seats. You defuel 60 liters from the aircraft to maximize the payload possible.
Given the hovering performance limitations for departure and arrival what is the maximum
number of 8kg boxes that may now be transported in the sling?
Note: Sling Loads have no arm therefore do not affect the center of gravity.
Sample Solution
diate merchandise so as to prop its mechanical creation up, (Oyvat p. 4). Its development is in this way attached to ascends in current record shortage, yet huge speculations have not prompted an enduring innovative change on a basic level that would lift Turkey’s industry, and economy out of its repeating equalization of installments trap (Oyvat p. 4-5). Rather, the present authority (President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄan and his Justice and Development Party) that has been in control since the 2001 emergency, has concentrated on arrangements that lift development through different development extends instead of encourage modern strategies that emphasis on local worth included, (Oyvat p. 5). The emergency of 2018, in this manner was, “not only a result of a political emergency prompted by Donald Trump. Turkey is presently paying for the long periods of money drove development bolstered by theoretical monetary capital inflows, and a development blast,” (Oyvat p. 10). Additionally, a key factor in the latest emergency and what is imperative to avert further monetary downturn is to (restore )the self-rule of the national bank, (Kriwoluzky and Rieth p. 362). End In spite of IMF contribution, the emergencies of 2000 and 2001 occurred. It may be the case that the “unpredictable and reversible capital streams and the gigantic monetary and social expenses of theoretical assaults result[ed] in monstrous surges of capital”, implying that some capital controls are required for a genuine adjustment (Onis and Rubin, p 189). Yet, to have forestalled the 2001 emergency, and likely the 2000 emergency too, as opposed to concentrating its underlying adjustment endeavors on the present record shortfall, it ought to have focused on the financial area, which would have hindered the “November 2000 emergency [which] was essentially an emergency of the private financial segment,” and in light of the fact that the “February 2001 emergency originated from the disequilibrium in key parts of the administration possessed financial division,” (ÃniÅ p.13). In this way, it appears the financial part was at the core of both of these emergencies, and their deficiency was the issue of the nearby political framework and both the oversight and under-guideline by the IMF of the financial area. Nonetheless, it is not necessarily the case this would have illuminated the entirety of Turkey’s financial hardships. It is questionable that Turkey’s financial emergencies of 2000-2001 were not preventable without similarly acquiring the 1994 emergency. It might be that avoiding emergencies are not politically reasonable before the reality, and the main path for a vote based system (particularly one with a separated government) to all consent to a restorative monetary strategy, is for the lion’s share to have experienced awful approach first. Turkey’s 2000-2001 was so profoundly stunning that the electorate really upheld money related order, prompting an exacting adherence to the starkness program that past organization had consented to with the IMF, (Cammet p. 290). Notwithstanding, Turkey’s kept financing of current record deficiencies would be less of an issue, unquestionably would prompt less emergencies, if Turkey’s development were not subject to them. As Oyvat referenced, Turkey relies upon imports of essential, middle of the road, and capital for its modern generation, and has not organized basic mechanical change in its I>
diate merchandise so as to prop its mechanical creation up, (Oyvat p. 4). Its development is in this way attached to ascends in current record shortage, yet huge speculations have not prompted an enduring innovative change on a basic level that would lift Turkey’s industry, and economy out of its repeating equalization of installments trap (Oyvat p. 4-5). Rather, the present authority (President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄan and his Justice and Development Party) that has been in control since the 2001 emergency, has concentrated on arrangements that lift development through different development extends instead of encourage modern strategies that emphasis on local worth included, (Oyvat p. 5). The emergency of 2018, in this manner was, “not only a result of a political emergency prompted by Donald Trump. Turkey is presently paying for the long periods of money drove development bolstered by theoretical monetary capital inflows, and a development blast,” (Oyvat p. 10). Additionally, a key factor in the latest emergency and what is imperative to avert further monetary downturn is to (restore )the self-rule of the national bank, (Kriwoluzky and Rieth p. 362). End In spite of IMF contribution, the emergencies of 2000 and 2001 occurred. It may be the case that the “unpredictable and reversible capital streams and the gigantic monetary and social expenses of theoretical assaults result[ed] in monstrous surges of capital”, implying that some capital controls are required for a genuine adjustment (Onis and Rubin, p 189). Yet, to have forestalled the 2001 emergency, and likely the 2000 emergency too, as opposed to concentrating its underlying adjustment endeavors on the present record shortfall, it ought to have focused on the financial area, which would have hindered the “November 2000 emergency [which] was essentially an emergency of the private financial segment,” and in light of the fact that the “February 2001 emergency originated from the disequilibrium in key parts of the administration possessed financial division,” (ÃniÅ p.13). In this way, it appears the financial part was at the core of both of these emergencies, and their deficiency was the issue of the nearby political framework and both the oversight and under-guideline by the IMF of the financial area. Nonetheless, it is not necessarily the case this would have illuminated the entirety of Turkey’s financial hardships. It is questionable that Turkey’s financial emergencies of 2000-2001 were not preventable without similarly acquiring the 1994 emergency. It might be that avoiding emergencies are not politically reasonable before the reality, and the main path for a vote based system (particularly one with a separated government) to all consent to a restorative monetary strategy, is for the lion’s share to have experienced awful approach first. Turkey’s 2000-2001 was so profoundly stunning that the electorate really upheld money related order, prompting an exacting adherence to the starkness program that past organization had consented to with the IMF, (Cammet p. 290). Notwithstanding, Turkey’s kept financing of current record deficiencies would be less of an issue, unquestionably would prompt less emergencies, if Turkey’s development were not subject to them. As Oyvat referenced, Turkey relies upon imports of essential, middle of the road, and capital for its modern generation, and has not organized basic mechanical change in its I>