We can work on Richard Feynman’s congressional investigation

Re-create at least 1 visual aid from Tufte’s article that you believe would better describe the dangers

surrounding the launch.
Expound upon Richard Feynman’s congressional investigation and articulate a better argument as to the

cause of the accident.
What did you learn from this case study?

Sample Solution

In this task I will investigate manners by which evolving laws, arrangements and conservative belief systems sway on social work practice and administration clients. The strain this makes between local officials, administration clients, neighborhood specialists and government. I will concentrate on the adequacy of kid assurance intercession, defending and appraisal between in the UK and contrasting it and Sweden. The British Welfare State in 1948 was impacted by various strategies and genuine case surveys. The Beveridge Report distinguished ‘five disasters’ which were influencing the ebb and flow welfare state: need, infection, obliviousness, lack of sanitization and inertness (Jones and Lowe, 2002). In 1945, Dennis O’Neil was a kid in care who experienced maltreatment bringing about his demise. A request was embraced known as the Curtis Committee Report (1946 refered to in Winter, 2011, p11), This concentrated on the commitment towards the youngster’s passing. The Curtis Committee Report (1946) found countless experts who were working with youngsters didn’t have particular work on preparing. The report found that because of absence of preparing youngsters were not set into proper consideration, hence ignoring their needs. Younghusband (1947 refered to in Bamford, 2015, p.21) perceived that social work practice had constrained prepared staff on the bleeding edge, the report proposed a course, where center subjects of social work standards and practice ought to be educated, with the choice of specialization. There was additionally bombing in which individuals speaking to the neighborhood authority had no association with the kids, it prescribed that the individuals who work with the kids from the nearby authority ought to be increasingly similar to companions and bolster youngsters up to the age of 16, Curtis Committee (1946:147, p.445 refered to in Winter, 2011, p.11). This analysis of social administrations close by the report incited The Children Act 1948 (Parrott, 2003).The government’s reaction to this was to present Social Security, National Health Service, Social Services, Housing, Education and Employment (Jones and Lowe, 2002). They accepted that an assistance ought to be without given at the purpose of conveyance, intending to furnish all residents with an equivalent least standard of care. This was a collectivist way to deal with dealing with the welfare condition of the nation at the time. An aggregate viewpoint sees that social issues mirror the financial condition of the nation and accepting that riches ought to be conveyed to diminish disparities and to help individuals (Davies, 2004). This would be monetarily bolstered by the presentation of tax assessment on individuals that worked called National Insurance. Through giving this administration the administration was a showing to the open that it was assuming liability for keep up a base standard of care (Turbett et al., 2014). Consequently, these reports were the driving component for The Children Act 1948, the primary bit of enactment which embraced working with families and perceiving social work as an expertly (Pierson, 2012). Anyway Butler and Hickman,( 2011) contends that this enactment basically suggests conservation and counteractive action work with families. Every nearby power at that point made a youngsters official accountable for dealing with the open kid care and social work with kids. Past to The Children Act 1948 was The Poor Law (1834 refered to in Dean, 2013, p171), which had restricted guidelines with respect to youngsters and the duty the state had towards minors. At present parental obligation is shared between the guardians and neighborhood authority under area 33(4) Children Act 1989, yet the nearby authority may possibly practice its capacity while shielding or advancing the youngster’s welfare (Brayne, Carr and Goosey, 2015). In the young people of social work there was developing worries about the covering or holes in social work (Rogowski, 2010). The arrival of the Seebohm Report (1968) expressed that social work practice had become ‘side effect focused’ and suggested that social work offices meet up rehearsing ‘family focused’ approach (Community Care, 2005). This methodology contributed towards an age of general social laborers who rehearsed in specific regions or ‘patches’ (Sayer, 2008). This implied the social laborers would work with the entire family and work with a wide scope of human complexities (Higham, 2006). Parker, (2015) recommends the revamping of social assistance was executed to attempt to set aside cash. The picture of nonexclusive social work offices and practice would have it shortcomings presented by up to 30 kid passings by the non-particular methodology embraced by neighborhood specialists (Community Care, 2005). This move in social work practice didn’t keep going for long as the Social Services Act 1970 presented individualized divisions for grown-ups, kids and more established individuals, (Dickens, 2010)>

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