We can work on Reusable Plastic Masks

Financials of the business:

How our product will compete in the market at a reasonable price. How we will market and get word out about our product are all questions that need to be addressed. We will look at the existing market and make our decisions based on the successful decision our competitors have made.

How many customers at first:
New net customers:
How much in one year:
Revenue expectation:
Expenses on marketing:
Expenses on delivery:
Average cost of production (just an estimation)
Other costs
Where will we get the money and how much would we need at first
How much time to breakeven and why:
When could we expand to other stuff (enough cash flow)

There needs to be some graphs explaining the projections, revenue expections and others that help explain the financials. Tables and charts also should be included for explaining the expectations for new net customers, revenue expectations and time to breakeven.

Below I uploaded the whole document so you know what the business is about.

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