We can work on Resistance to Organizational Change Role of Cognitive and Affective Processes Paper – Assignment Help

Question Description

Read the discussion answer then give a response

The response should give your own opinion of the discussion answer and add some more information

there is a sample response under the discussion answer


Changes in the business world have been implemented for many decades. Businesses encourage changes in the organization to offer more opportunities and improvements to the organization and its employees. Although important, change is not always known to be the have the best reaction for some employees. It is often difficult for employees to understand why changes are taking place.

There are many reasons why an organization would want to make changes. One of the reasons involves constantly changing forms of technology. Using newer forms of technology not only helps the organization succeed, but it also helps to enable employees by the way that they work. Technology should enhance productivity, help with self-motivation, and promote job satisfaction (Cascia, W. F. & Montealegre, R., 2016). Since most businesses now rely on technology, it is understandable why all employees should adapt to these changes. The individuals who are not up to date with the newest forms of technology may suffer or resist these changes. In the video that was recorded at John Hopkins University, Thomas Friedman presents that change is flattening the workplace which is due to the introduction of new forms of technology (John Hopkins University, 2011). What we can understand from this video is that he encourages us to be creative and to take that extra step to stand out among others.

One main barrier that occurs when a change takes place is the resistance that individuals may have. Many individuals do not like to accept change or they feel as it is too difficult and not necessary. If change is not managed well in the organization, it can cause frustration or anger with employees (Palmer, I., Dunford, R. & Buchanan, D. A., 2017). Resistance against change is a natural reaction of individuals because it involves moving from the known to the unknown (Glimskog, G.S. & Hagman, J.K., 2015). These individuals who resist change fear that these changes are not beneficial to them. They have a fear of stepping out of their comfort zone into an environment that is different than what they know. The changes in technology could lead the employees to feel the lack of independence, competence, and understanding that may turn into stress, demotivation, and lack of work behaviors (Cascia, W. F. & Montealegre, R., 2016).

To learn to accept the changes that are occurring in organizations, we have to have an open mind and the ability to motivate others when changes occur. In the Miss Ernestine video, she set out on a goal with her sister to become the oldest bodybuilders, therefore, she made changes to her diets and exercise routines and reached her goal that she set (Prevention Magazine, 2014). We become inspired to make changes in our personal and work lives by setting goals and watching others succeed by making changes in their own lives. We learn from others and how they adapt to the changing environments.

We also miss opportunities when we do no make changes. As in the story “Who Moved My Cheese?”, we notice that Hem was missing out on an opportunity because of his fear of change. Also, we notice that Haw was nervous and anxious about stepping out to look for new cheese and Hem would have kept him back if he was anxious to see what was on the other side of the maze (Johnson, S., n.d.). Not only can other individuals inspire us, but they can also not inspire or motivate us to changes. They can keep us from wanting to step out of our comfort zone into these changes. Once we reach a point, we have to step out of our comfort zones and forget the fear that we have of the unknown. This fear keeps us from accepting changes or moving forward.


Cascia, W. F. & Montealegre, R. (2016). How Technology Is Changing Work and Organizations. The Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, p. 356. doi: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-041015-062352

Glimskog, G.S. & Hagman, J.K. (2015). Scrutinizing the Barriers to Organizational Change – Analyzing the Soft Barriers to Change from an External Change Agent Perspective. Department of Business Studies Uppsala University, 5-6. http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:824240/…

John Hopkins University. (2011, Sep. 28). Thomas Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum. Youtube.

Johnson, S. (n.d.). Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life. http://www.contraboli.ro/stuff/docs/whomovedmychee…

Palmer, I., Dunford, R. & Buchanan, D. A. (2017). Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspective Approach (3rd ed). McGraw Hill Education.

Prevention Magazine. (2014, Feb. 14). The Remarkable Story of Ernestine Shepherd. Youtube.





The issue of initiating change in organizations requires the involvement of all stakeholders through consultations. In the contemporary world, institutions cannot forego changes due to the emerging needs, including issues associated with technological developments that have occurred in the last few years (Hornstein, 2015). However, the process of initiating change in the firm requires the management to consider strategic planning in order to ensure that all stakeholders reach a common agreement. The other issue involves employee reactions to changes, which requires them to adapt to the new way of doing business (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2016). Additionally, the need to initiate change plays an essential in improving shareholder value, as well as improving organizational incomes and profitability levels. While internal and external pressures can affect the process of bringing change to the firm, the management should set aside resources to initiate such procedures in order for the organization to remain relevant and competitive (Hornstein, 2015). As such, the collaboration of all stakeholders can help the management to adopt the appropriate strategies that can bring the necessary changes.


Alvesson, M., & Sveningsson, S. (2016). Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. New York, NY: Routledge.

Hornstein, H. A. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management, 33(2), 291-298.

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