Objective: Apply fundamental theories and concepts by focusing on one key aspect of
early childhood education. NAEYC Standards: 2a, 4a, 4b, 5b, 6d
credible sources and write a research paper! As you will learn throughout the course, it is
extremely important that you have a working knowledge of early childhood education
upon completing this course. A working knowledge means you understand the underlying
theories and fundamental concepts and that you can put them to practice!
This research project runs Units 1 through 7. Thus, you have seven units (weeks) to
complete it. While this project is large, it is definitely manageable as the steps and
timeline have been mapped for you.
The requirements for your research paper are as follows:
- Select one topic for research from the list of four topics provided below.
- Conduct research on your selected topic. Identify and report on no fewer than three
different resources. At least one resource that you identify is not referenced in the
course. Many resources are provided throughout the different units to help guide your
research. Be sure to check supplemental materials listed in both the NAEYC Library and
supplemental resources provided in each Unit. Feel free to use these resources in your
written paper. However, you must demonstrate that you also identified and used at least
one new resource that is not referenced in the course. Along with conducting
research in sources provided in the course, use the Post Library CHS/ECE general
research guide provided in the course.
- Complete all phases according to the given timeline.
Unit 1: Review the choice of topics in the list below.
Unit 2: Decide and submit one topic that you would like to explore in depth. (5 points)
Unit 3: Begin research; submit list of three researched resources with a brief summary
(annotation) for each one. (15 points)
Unit 3-6: Actively research the topic and draft the paper. Other resources, in addition to
the three resources identified in Unit 3, may need to be used in order to meet all
CHS111 â Foundations of
Early Childhood Education
Research Paper
the criteria stated in the option you chose.
Unit 6: Optional: Submit written draft to the Safe Assign link provided in the course to
gain feedback on whether you have appropriately quoted, paraphrased and
cited your secondary research sources. The written draft will not be reviewed
by the instructor.
Unit 7: Review and utilize feedback on initial draft received from Safe Assign. Finalize
and submit the written research paper by Sunday, 11:59 (EST). (100 points)
- Utilize the âEvaluation Rubricâ for the Research Paper.
Throughout the seven weeks, be sure to read the rubric criteria, by which your project will
be evaluated: before you research, while you research and write, while you revise your
initial draft, and before you submit your research paper.
Research Topics
Option 1: Historical Figure
1) From the list below, choose and research one historical figure that had great
influence on early childhood education.
a) Maria Montessori e) Lev Vygotsky
b) Friedrich Frobel f) Abraham Maslow
c) Jean Piaget g) T. Berry Brazelton
d) Erik Erikson h) Magda Gerber
2) Provide biographical information (name, time period, place of birth/death, etc.).
3) Write a detailed account of the historical figureâs significant contribution(s) and ï·
central concepts of the theory. Identify at least two publications authored by the
person. (5b)
4) Determine the historical figureâs views on the value of positive relationships and
supportive interactions as the foundation for young childrenâs optimal development
and learning. (4a)
5) Explain the historical figureâs effective strategies and tools for early education. If
appropriate and/or relevant, include appropriate uses of technology. (4b)
6) Explain the theoristâs view on the role of parents, families and community in
childrenâs development and learning. (2a)
7) Describe the scope of his/her influence on early education for todayâs children. State
your opinions and explain why. (6d)
(If the information required above is not found within the three resources you identified
in Unit 3, then use additional resources.)
Option 2: Early Childhood Model
1) Research one early childhood model from the list below.
a) Early Intervention e) Project Approach
b) Montessori f) High Scope
c) Reggio Emilia g) Bank Street Approach
d) Project Approach h) Head Start/Early Head Start
2) Provide background information (e.g., who started it? What was the time period?
Where did it begin?)
3) Describe central concepts of the model. (5b)
4) Explain the value and role of positive relationships and supportive interactions as the
foundation of the modelâs support of young children. (4a)
5) Demonstrate how the model addresses intentional teaching, curriculum, instruction,
and assessment for todayâs young children. What are the effective strategies and
tools for early education? If appropriate and/or relevant, include appropriate uses of
technology. (4b)
6) Explain the roles of the parent, family and community (e.g., parents as teachers,
family engagement, community partners). (2a)
7) Cite and discuss research that demonstrates the effectiveness of the model. (If this
information is not found within the three resources you identified in Unit 3, then use
additional resources.). (6d)
Option 3: Diversity and Cultural Competence
Research and explain the critical importance of being a âculturally responsive
teacherâ. (If the information required below is not found within the three
resources you identified in Unit 3, then use additional resources.). Include the
following in your paper:
1) Define central concepts underlying diversity and cultural competence. (5b)
2) Identify best practices for fostering cultural awareness and appreciation in early
childhood programs. Include the value of positive relationships and supportive
interactions as the foundation for cultural competence. (4a)
3) Critique and explain how to infuse multicultural content into programs, curriculum, and
daily learning experiences. (6d)
4) Describe effective strategies and tools for early education, include appropriate uses of
technology. (4b)
5) Describe two strategies for effectively involving parents, families and the community.
Option 4: Inclusion ï·
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Research the definition, history, benefits, and challenges of inclusion. Choose one
population of children: special needs, English Language Learners, or gifted and
Include the following in your paper (If the information required below is not found within
the three resources you identified in Unit 3, then use additional resources):
1) State your chosen population and the reasons for your selection.
2) Define central concepts underlying inclusion and IDEA. Demonstrate how IDEA
affects inclusion of your chosen population. (5b)
State the federal guidelines mandated within IDEA.
3) Describe different inclusion models including advantages and disadvantages. Include
the value of positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation of an
inclusion model. (4a)
4) Describe effective strategies and tools for early education, include appropriate uses of
technology. (4b)
For example: For children with special needs, present different disabilities and explain
how you would use an inclusion model to support their needs.
What are the federal guidelines to make a facility âaccessibleâ to those with
5) Specify at least two concrete ways you, as an educator, would partner with families to
best support childrenâs optimal learning, growth and success. (2a)
6) Cite and discuss research from two sources about your chosen population with regard
to a critical perspective related to early education. (If this information is not found
within the three resources you identified in Unit 3, then use additional resources.). (6d)
Reminder: Be sure to read the criteria by which your Research Paper will be evaluated.
Review the criteria before you research, while you research and write, while you revise
your initial draft using your instructorâs feedback, and before you submit your research
Sample Solution
This page of the exposition has 653 words. Download the full form above. Working in a gathering Some state working alone is increasingly useful, some state working in a gathering is progressively gainful. Working either in a gathering or alone is close to home inclination. Be that as it may, working in a gathering is generally increasingly valuable in light of the fact that there are more thoughts, individuals with various aptitudes chip away at abrupt parts, and work should be possible sooner than anticipated with a superior item. Albeit working in a gathering is increasingly gainful, however a few people feel working alone is progressively helpful for them. Sam Ashe-Edmunds believes,”If you own your own business, you just solution to your customers, who have little state over how you accomplish your work”. Working alone causes them to feel free, concentrated, take a shot at their own without unsettling influence. It makes individuals ready to remain alarm and work a lot quicker. With regards to working in a gathering, one of the fundamental advantages is there are more thoughts. Lynda Moultry Belcher profoundly accepts, “This kind of coordinated effort benefits the venture and gives colleagues an outlet to skip around thoughts to locate the best fit.” . Suppose there are a few decent preferences about working in a gathering, however a part uncertain which is the most suitable one, so it gives different individuals a chances to offer their thoughts or thoughts to help finding the best fit. A slip-up that typically happens is the venture floats off the theme; in any case, every part gives out smart thoughts that situate the undertaking help it intentionally remain on the point. In a feeling of collaboration, be readied that it may not fill in as arranged, discover elective arrangements. Likewise the gathering can be viewed as an asset. Individuals deal with their undertakings , however additional data may be required, as indicated by their encounters and information, they will help. In addition, working in a gathering is about collaboration, individuals with various abilities chip away at unexpected parts that they are great at and can get help at whatever point they need. Chitra Reddy illustrates, “To take care of complex issues and to finish troublesome errands, group works superior to a person.”. It makes individuals insane when working in a gathering where there is no talking and opportunity. Individuals the board abilities that a gathering creates so as to impart. Cooperation isn’t simply work; it is about correspondence and inspiration. Individuals can’t simply lounge around when others are working; there gets the opportunity to be a reason that they work in a gathering. When working in a gathering, individuals must have an issue to illuminate; else, they just erratically wreck around. As it says prior, individuals with various abilities take a shot at unexpected parts doesn’t mean they are acceptable at those let them chip away at it exclusively. Cooperation is the place individuals need support to put their
perspectives over, make it energizing , intriguing, and propelling. In conclusion, working in a gathering is that it empowers the gathering all in all to be increasingly gainful, progressively innovative, and can complete work in modest quantity of time. Lynda Moultry Belcher stresses that,”Another key preferred position of gathering work in the workplace is that it can expand efficiency”.Groups that function admirably together can accomplish substantially more, imagination flourishes when individuals cooperate. One of the advantages of working in a gathering is that it assists with raising the total yield. Individuals cooperate utilizing their best abilities to improve the quality. A more extensive scope of aptitudes can be applied to reasonable exercises assumes a significant job. Sharing information energizes others, makes them need to share more. Regularly, a gathering functions admirably together in light of the fact that individuals depend on one another to carry singular gifts to the business. To finish up, working in a gathering improves aptitudes, for example, correspondence, cooperation, and authority. In particular, it makes the work all the more intriguing, all the more inspiring. working in a gathering is clearly more valuable than working alone. Individuals should cooperate and mix themselves into the network. About Essay Sauce The entirety of our papers are given in return for a free written falsification check on one of our accomplice locales. In any case, regardless of showing clear terms on our locales, here and there clients examine work that isn’t their own and this can bring about substance being transferred that ought not have been. Discover what to do if this occurs here.>
This page of the exposition has 653 words. Download the full form above. Working in a gathering Some state working alone is increasingly useful, some state working in a gathering is progressively gainful. Working either in a gathering or alone is close to home inclination. Be that as it may, working in a gathering is generally increasingly valuable in light of the fact that there are more thoughts, individuals with various aptitudes chip away at abrupt parts, and work should be possible sooner than anticipated with a superior item. Albeit working in a gathering is increasingly gainful, however a few people feel working alone is progressively helpful for them. Sam Ashe-Edmunds believes,”If you own your own business, you just solution to your customers, who have little state over how you accomplish your work”. Working alone causes them to feel free, concentrated, take a shot at their own without unsettling influence. It makes individuals ready to remain alarm and work a lot quicker. With regards to working in a gathering, one of the fundamental advantages is there are more thoughts. Lynda Moultry Belcher profoundly accepts, “This kind of coordinated effort benefits the venture and gives colleagues an outlet to skip around thoughts to locate the best fit.” . Suppose there are a few decent preferences about working in a gathering, however a part uncertain which is the most suitable one, so it gives different individuals a chances to offer their thoughts or thoughts to help finding the best fit. A slip-up that typically happens is the venture floats off the theme; in any case, every part gives out smart thoughts that situate the undertaking help it intentionally remain on the point. In a feeling of collaboration, be readied that it may not fill in as arranged, discover elective arrangements. Likewise the gathering can be viewed as an asset. Individuals deal with their undertakings , however additional data may be required, as indicated by their encounters and information, they will help. In addition, working in a gathering is about collaboration, individuals with various abilities chip away at unexpected parts that they are great at and can get help at whatever point they need. Chitra Reddy illustrates, “To take care of complex issues and to finish troublesome errands, group works superior to a person.”. It makes individuals insane when working in a gathering where there is no talking and opportunity. Individuals the board abilities that a gathering creates so as to impart. Cooperation isn’t simply work; it is about correspondence and inspiration. Individuals can’t simply lounge around when others are working; there gets the opportunity to be a reason that they work in a gathering. When working in a gathering, individuals must have an issue to illuminate; else, they just erratically wreck around. As it says prior, individuals with various abilities take a shot at unexpected parts doesn’t mean they are acceptable at those let them chip away at it exclusively. Cooperation is the place individuals need support to put their perspectives over, make it energizing , intriguing, and propelling. In conclusion, working in a gathering is that it empowers the gathering all in all to be increasingly gainful, progressively innovative, and can complete work in modest quantity of time. Lynda Moultry Belcher stresses that,”Another key preferred position of gathering work in the workplace is that it can expand efficiency”.Groups that function admirably together can accomplish substantially more, imagination flourishes when individuals cooperate. One of the advantages of working in a gathering is that it assists with raising the total yield. Individuals cooperate utilizing their best abilities to improve the quality. A more extensive scope of aptitudes can be applied to reasonable exercises assumes a significant job. Sharing information energizes others, makes them need to share more. Regularly, a gathering functions admirably together in light of the fact that individuals depend on one another to carry singular gifts to the business. To finish up, working in a gathering improves aptitudes, for example, correspondence, cooperation, and authority. In particular, it makes the work all the more intriguing, all the more inspiring. working in a gathering is clearly more valuable than working alone. Individuals should cooperate and mix themselves into the network. About Essay Sauce The entirety of our papers are given in return for a free written falsification check on one of our accomplice locales. In any case, regardless of showing clear terms on our locales, here and there clients examine work that isn’t their own and this can bring about substance being transferred that ought not have been. Discover what to do if this occurs here.>