1. What is the research objective of this article?
2. Prior to conjoint analysis, the researcher needed to identify the important attributes of the focal product or service, such as mobile service platform. How do the authors of this article choose the attributes? Please explain.
3. How many attributes of the mobile service platform were included in the conjoint analysis? And how many levels does each attribute have?
4. If you were the researchers who conducted this conjoint analysis, will you add more attributes to the analysis? Please explain.
5. As mentioned in the lecture, conjoint analysis is a type of regression analysis. In this article, what is/are the dependent variable(s)? And what are the independent variables?
6. For the sample used for the conjoint analysis, the authors include “education program”, “smartphone”, “gender”, and “age”. Based on your thoughts, do you think the authors need to collect more information from the participants, such as personality, usage rate, etc.? Please explain.
. What is the major limitation of this research?