We can work on relationship between states’ Rate per 100,000 of U.S. Military Fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan

Assignment 6

PART IUsing the STATES data set, examine the relationship between states’ Rate per 100,000 of U.S. Military Fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan as of January 30, 2010 (DFS90) and their Percent of Population Graduated from High School: 2008’ (EDS131).

Run a regression (Analyze->Regression->Linear Regression; ‘Dependent’ = DFS90; ‘Independent’ = EDS131).Run a correlation of the same data. What is similar to the regression?Create a scatterplot of the data.Write up the results of your correlation and regression in APA format. Make sure you integrate the figure in your text.What type of tests did you use?What variables did you examine?What were your findings?What do these results suggest?

PART IIPerform a multiple regression to predict the crime rate ( ‘Dependent’ =  CRS31). Include as indicators of predictors (‘Independent’ =  all of the following variables) the homeownership rate (ECS445), the divorce rate (DMS506), and the personal bankruptcy rate (ECS105).

Run a regression (Analyze->Regression->Linear Regression ; ‘Dependent’ = crime rate (CRS31); ‘Independents’ = homeownership rate (ECS445), the divorce rate (DMS506), and the personal bankruptcy rate (ECS105). Create and a scatterplot between crime rate (CRS31) (Y-axis) and homeownership rate (ECS445) (X-axis)Write up the results of your multiple regression in APA format. Make sure you integrate the figure in your text. What type of tests did you use?What variables did you examine?What were your findings (need to include all necessary information regarding results of overall model and individual predictors)?What do these results suggest?

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