We can work on Racisim/Trauma

1.What is systemic racism and how would you define it? (Please cite a reference) Give an example of its prevalence today (be sure to focus on how it is a systemic, institutional issue). How would the example you gave affect a child (psychologically, socially, emotionally, physically)? Does it affect them directly / indirectly / vicariously?

Please use at least one external source which can be a video, vignette, peer-review article, etc.

2.Respond to the following classmate response regarding what impact the field of mental health could have in mitigating the effects of systemic racism presented by the example that my classmate gave.

Also respond with your reaction to the supplemental source my classmate provided by demonstrating that you viewed the source and thought critically about it.

Systemic racism otherwise known as Institutional racism can be defined as a form of racism that has been embedded in society. You can see it through various institutions some being in the educational system and also the criminal justice system (Mendez, Hogan, & Culhane 2014). An example of its prevalence today is seen heavily in our criminal justice system. As found in the article The color of punishment: African Americans, skin tone, and the criminal justice system young African American males show significantly higher rates of being stopped/arrested by the police. Furthermore, data from 2013 showed that African American youths were twice more likely to be arrested than white youths. Additionally, researchers have hypothesized that it is a common and normalized stage for African Americans to experience imprisonment. Aside from seeing racism in the criminal justice system, it is also seen in the educational system. Studies show that on average White individuals obtain a higher education than African Americans. In addition as a whole, there is an educational inequality between Whites and African Americans. These issues are systemic because they are two institutions where racism is prevalent. These two types of racism can painfully affect a child. When it comes to the criminal justice system children of color are brought up with a fear of law enforcement. At such a young age they are taught exactly what they need to do if they are stopped by a police officer. This can affect them psychologically. You have this false hope that you can trust police officers but then the sense of trust is broken when you see an individual like yourself being a victim of police brutality. When it comes to the educational system this can affect them in almost all aspects of life. They have this persona they will not succeed because they are African American which can impact them emotionally and as well as psychologically. They do not have the same access to resources as White individuals which is a large reason as to why White individuals obtain higher education. Society has instilled fear in African Americans which can be mentally, emotionally, and socially scarring, this can directly affect African American children.

Mendez, D. D., Hogan, V. K., & Culhane, J. F. (2014). Institutional racism, neighborhood factors, stress, and preterm birth. Ethnicity & Health, 19(5), 479499. https://doi-org.ez.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/10.1080/13557858.2013.846300

Monk, E. P. (2019). The color of punishment: African Americans, skin tone, and the criminal justice system. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42(10), 15931612. https://doi-org.ez.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/10.1080/01419870.2018.1508736

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