We can work on Racial Makeup of Sports Leagues In US

How has the make up of sports teams changed over the years and why do you think this is? Players, owners, coaches and staff should be considered.
Player selection, free agency(pros)/ transfer( college)
Professional leagues have different rules for eligibility for draft of US and selection of foreign players. Is this fair? What is your feelings on free agency in pro sports and transfer in college sports.

Sample Solution

In November 1982, a joint venture was set up in the field of engineering consultancy. Formal negotiations were conducted between NESPAK and the Turkish company TUMAS. The governments of two countries examined the possibilities of establishing the joint ventures in appropriate sectors such as manufacture of tractors, automotive components and electronic equipments. The two countries also agreed on increasing cooperation in advanced information systems and also on joint engineering consultancy services (Hasan, 2002). President General Zia-ul ‘Haq visit to Turkey 1983 President General Zia-ul-Haq visited Turkey in 1983. Both governments (Pakistan & Turkey) decided that the joint commission which meets once a year should endeavor to support the economic ties between the two countries and continue to diversifying and expanding cooperation between Pakistan and Turkey. Both countries leaders after the discussions made joint communiqu?? and stressed the ‘important of the need to improve communication for further strengthening economic ties and noted the development in the field of air transport between the two countries allowing the exercise of the fifth freedom and increasing the airline construction between the major cities as well as the establishment of a regular maritime cargo service between their seaports. Both countries stated and remarked that meetings remained fulfillment with the recent international subscribers dialing linkage and the reduction of post and telegraph fees (Hasan, 2002). Formation of ECO>

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