Race Discussion 2 Name Institution Race Discussion 2 Discussion 1: Key legislation that has influenced the rights and provisions offered to the physically and mentally challenged individuals (459 words) Particular significant statutes safeguard privileges for physically challenged individuals. Usually, parents who have children with disabilities are supposed to engage in learning of laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities. The American constitution provides rules and regulations that safeguard the privileges of the people with disability. Even though human rights are protected under various laws, three distinct pieces of legislation are precisely applied to people with disabilities (Hanser, & Gomila, 2014). The statutes comprise of Americans with disability act, people with disability education act, and the rehabilitation act. The rehabilitation act mainly addresses the privileges of people with disabilities. The rehabilitation laws prohibit illegal programs that receive financial aid to discriminate individuals based on disability. The rehabilitation act defines individuals with a disability as persons who have a mental or physical impairment that interfere with a person’s major life activities. Such complications comprise of impaired speaking, walking, seeing, and hearing (Kayess, & French, 2008). Additionally, people with disabilities are entitled to an appropriate education. The law provides that parents of children with a disability be supposed to be updated about the school progress of their children. Individuals with disability law provide that physically challenged students of age up to twenty-one years be entitled to special education alongside other associated provisions. Disabilities that necessitate children with disability with these provisions comprise of hearing or vision impairment and cerebral palsy. Moreover, low offers that learners with disabilities are privileged to funding that aids educational agencies and nations to meet the needs of physically challenged children. Americans with disabilities law prohibit any form of discrimination against individuals with a disability in several different settings. The Americans with disabilities act comprise of reasonable accommodation that must be offered to workers and students who have a disability. The accommodations may entail the provision of written communication in substitute formats, modifying examinations, and redesigning equipment. The ADA is limited to private schools as opposed to religious organizations or schools. Therefore, to summarize the federal statute dictates that there is no form of disability-inclusive of physical disability, learning disability of mental complications should limit a child from receiving equal and fair entitlement to education. All sorts of disabilities act as barriers to education, but the federal laws advocate for equal and equitable access to education regardless of the effects of the current limitations. Federal regulations ensure people with disabilities have equal access to education through the provision of special accommodations to such students free of charge. The American laws ensure the establishment of disability resource centers and offices, an aspect that enables students with disabilities to know where they can get the accommodation they require. Discussion 2: Compare and Contrast the Static-99 and the SVR-20` (458 words) The static-99 report is a risk examination tool offered in the penal code (Bartol & Bartol, 2017). Generally, it is documented in one to two pages concerning particular male offenders. The main aim of the static-99 report is to examine the perpetrator’s hazard to the community. The story is usually used alongside the registerable sex offense section of the penal code. The story is different from a probation officer’s report or pre-plea report that is present in most felony matters. The demand for the story is determined by several factors like the purpose and the person requesting it. Having this information aids the defense lawyer to have basements of negotiating for a favorable plea for the client. On the other hand, SRV-20 is an examination tool that is applied in both civil and criminal forensic contexts concerning sexual violence-related crimes. The device is used in determining how often an offender has earlier committed sexual violence. The sexual risk examination from SRV-20 is mainly focused on statistical information, but it is limited to the future commitment of a crime. The instrument also covers other elements like frequency of eminence and the victim harm. Both the SRV-20 device and the static-99 report entail an examination of sexual offenses. I believe that the static-99 story is the most appropriate tool because it examines the potential harm of the offender when released back to society. In the year 199, two high school students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, conducted an all-out assault within the middle of the day in Littleton, located in Colorado. The juveniles had planned to kill their peers with the use of a multitude of bombs, knives, and guns. After the massacre, two murderers, one teacher, and twelve students were left dead. Additionally, other twenty-one students were left injured. The sensible choice approach affirms that people apply analytical choice calculations to achieve outcomes and make intelligent choices that rhyme with their personal goals. Findings from the rational choice theory are directly linked with the person’s self-interests. The application of sound choice theory is suggested to yield results that offer individuals with the most excellent satisfaction from the available choices (Clarke, & Felson, 2017). Most mainstream economic theories and assumptions are founded on rational choice theory. The balanced choice approach is linked with the ideas of the rational actors, the invisible hand, self-interest, and the rationality assumption. Sound choice theory suggests that people are rational actors who apply profound knowledge to maximize their merits from a particular situation as they strain to minimize the loses. After the sensible choice actor discovers that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, the perpetrator is likely to commit that particular crime. Discussion 3 (200 words) The self-interest element of rational choice states that individuals are likely to commit activities that fulfill their particular interests. Moreover, people tend to outweigh the advantages and disadvantages to determine the conceivable reward from one specific act. In the case columbine massacre, the two boys, Klebold and Harris, for a long time they kept on thinking about committing suicide, an aspect that influenced them in planning for the massacre. The boys planned for the killing for one year before they committed the crime. Therefore, it implies that the two were restricted to applying rational choice in their planning. Earlier before the mass killing both, Harris and Klebold were involved in a crime where they broke into a van, although they were arrested. Since the two boys had earlier committed crimes, it implies that they knew to evaluate the reward of a crime. Concerning the element of self-interest, reports about the columbine massacre affirmed that both Harris and Klebold conducted the killings under the influence of hate. The two boys grew up as aggressive teenagers. Klebold and Harris gathered adequate information concerning the recipes for pipe bombs alongside other explosives. Therefore, the massacre was set a satisfaction for their interests. References Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2017). Introduction to forensic psychology: Research and application. Sage Publications. Clarke, R. V., & Felson, M. (2017). Introduction: Criminology, routine activity, and rational choice. In Routine activity and logical choice (pp. 1-14). Routledge. Hanser, R. D., & Gomila, M. D. (2014). Multiculturalism and the criminal justice system. Pearson Higher Ed. Kayess, R., & French, P. (2008). Out of darkness into light? Introducing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Human rights law review, 8(1), 1-34. – Barbra Dozier’s Blog