We can work on Race and IQ

After carefully reading the article you chose in u03s2, prepare a 3–5 page paper about the controversy that began when Arthur Jensen published an article about racial differences in intelligence. Present both sides of the argument, then analyze which side has the stronger position. Find at least one other scholarly article from the Capella University Library to support your argument.

In your paper:

1.Describe what factors that intelligence tests measure.

2.Explain the differences indicated when the terms “nature versus nurture” are used.

3.Analyze the controversy over using the same intelligence test to compare different cultural groups, and support your analysis with information from professional and scholarly sources.

Sample Solution

This chart shows that music streaming dominated the way music was consumed. 2017 saw the decline in sales from other platforms but even so, this doesn’t compare to the amount of money that steaming services make. This can be compared to MTV in the 1980s when AC/DC sales started to slump and their audience started to listen to other bands such as KISS, Poison and Motley Crue. There are definitely ways the internet helps build more support and keep older bands somewhat relevant again but being able to connect with the modern audience definitely is a positive in that situation. In summary, the several revenue streams set up by AC/DC can be somewhat targeted towards both old and young audiences and really goes onto prove that this band have adapted to the three generations it spans across. AC/DC are a great example of how stepping in a different direction with the status quo can benefit themselves and their fans. This band attracted new followers with the release of MTV, gaining access to new audiences that love the music as much as the fans that have been there from the beginning. This also helped them craft a new way to put out their music, falling more in line with how the pop genre was marketed and released in someways. This allowed them to show off their live prowess on the small screen with the addition of a new single. More recently, adding their whole discography has also helped their music spread even further and as a result, people of all ages are attending the lives shows that they put on. With AC/DC name being as popular as it is, it seems quite easy for the band to release something completely unrelated as they know that hardcore fans will probably buy it and this adds to one>

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