We can work on Race And Ethnics Relations

Race and Ethnic Relations SOC-350


Experiential Research Paper: 

 Students are required to write a five-page paper, not including a title page and reference page (no abstract), formatted using the ASA style. Students are encouraged to check their paper with www.Grammarly.comrnitin.)/edu/ before submitting the final version to the instructor. The paper should incorporate the core value of community emphasized in the course. Students must choose one of the following two options on which to write.   


1. Deliberately participate in a setting in which you are in the majority (racially), and then another where you are in the minority; compare experiences, applying course terminology and theories.   




2. Analyze several forms of media over a select time period for racial representation and stereotypes; compare and contrast media outlets and their patterns of representation, applying course terms and theories. The student should refer to the following rubric for grading guidelines.  


Your pick ???? due next Thursday 8-8-19


Experiential Research Paper Rubric


elements Criteria Ratings 0 Novice Basic Proficient Exceptional Introduction and summary 15% Introduction and thorough description of the topic. Analysis 45% Exploration of topic – applying course materials. Analysis of issue applying course terminology and theories. Summarization and/or Conclusions 20% Thoughtful summarization of topic. Structure and organization 20% Organization of paper demonstrates logical development of ideas, clear sequence, focus, well-organized paragraph; correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Accurate citations.


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