We can work on Quantitative methods to investigate

write a research proposal that uses quantitative methods to investigate a topic of your choice. Instructions are below.

You are asked to write a research proposal involving quantitative investigation into a topic of your choice.

A research proposal is a plan for research. It outlines the steps you would follow to complete the research and justifications of those choices. It is important to be clear that a research proposal is not a report on research that has been conducted and you do not need to carry out the research proposed in this assignment.

The proposal should include the following sections:


In your introduction you need to do two things: 1) Introduce the reader to the topic you have decided to investigate, 2) Explain its broader social and academic relevance and 3) List your aims (the broad goals of your research) and objectives (specific milestones you need to reach in order to meet your objectives.

Literature Review

Complete a very brief literature review. Highlight the arguments of 2-3 sources relevant to your topic. As well as highlighting their arguments you should try to make it clear how your research will contribute to existing arguments.

Sampling plan and data collection

Unless you are completing a census outline your sampling plan and justify it. You will need to think about the population you are sampling from, whether there is a sampling frame, ways of stratifying your data. You should state how you will collect your data; surveys are most obvious choice but you are free to choose any data collection method that would provide you with data suitable for quantitative analysis.

Data Analysis (a very important section)

You need to list 10 variables that would be included in your analysis. You should describe them and indicate their level of measurement (nominal, ordinal or interval). You should list five statistical tests covered in the module and state you would use in your analysis and specify how they help you answer your research question.

Sample Solution

1. Shares- This is a unit used as mutual funds , limited partnership, and real estate investment trust. The owner of shares in the corporation is a shareholder of a corporation. The risk involved and the return from investing in the shares are high. 2. Bonds-This is an instrument of indebtedness of the bond issuer to the holder.The common types of bonds include municipal bonds and corporate company. Most bonds pay fixed rate of interest income that is also backed by a promise from the issuer. 3. Cash Equivalents-These are the most liquid current asset found on a business balance sheet. These are short term commitments (It carries an significant risk of changes in the asset value). 4. Properties and Commodities-These include agricultural products, energy sources and metals. These helps in reducing the overall portfolio risk and return. 5. Pooled investments 5a. Mutual Funds- It is a common pool of money into which investors put their contributions to be invested in accordance with a stated objectives. This involves Market risk, Inflation risk, Credit Risk, Interest rate risk. 5b. Exchange traded funds- An ETF holds assets such as stocks, commodities, or bonds and generally operates with an arbitrage mechanism design to keep it trading clo>

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