We can work on Public Admin

Each reply must be 200 words (1#, 2#, 3#), be written in current APA formatting, and must be supported by
assigned course assigned reading and biblical references.


Advances in Technology
Advances in technology have exponentially increased the interconnectedness of government systems and their institutions, which has led to incredible innovation and growth. Conversely, technology also has increased the potential for governance and public administration to be undermined. As Farazmand (2012) points out, technology is both enabler and destroyer, a tool both of opportunity and repression, freedom and tyranny, democracy and despotism, and progress and degeneration (p. 489). For example, consider airport body scanning technology. On the one hand, this is a security measure put in place to assist in the prevention of terrorist attacks, an attempt to assure the safety and security of the public. On the other hand, this technology intrudes on privacy and personal freedoms. Although body scanning and other technology have become necessary aspects of everyday living, there are certainly growing concerns around the intrusion of the government. Additionally, advances in technology have also led to increased government effectiveness and information sharing.
The introduction of technology within public administration has meant increased procedural efficiency and enhancements in access to government information and services (McGuigan, 2005). Government is now able to stay more connected with the citizen base, and more responsive to their needs. Innovation in this area has also led to increased transparency, with some state governments instituting sites like OpenSD, which allow citizens to view employee salaries, department budgets, and other government financials of the South Dakota state government. Technology has also fundamentally changed the way we interact with the government. Citizens can now pay taxes online, register vehicles via kiosks in your local grocery store, and learn more about government programs through a simple click of a mouse. The U.S. governments Firstgov portal was an innovation in this way (McGuigan, 2005). The Firstgov web portal, now USAgov, is a government portal, providing citizens with a central location for information related to unemployment, COVID-19, tax filing, federal grant and loan information, and a host of other informational links. While this has seemingly expanded access, this may not necessarily be the reality. As suggested by McGuigan (2005), the advances of technology have deepened inequality and further disenfranchised the poor and uneducated. Thomas and Streib (2003 as cited by McGuiga, 2005) found those who visited government websites were more educated, wealthier, and disproportionately white. So, there needs to be attention given to address these disparities. Although, technology is ever-changing and is also contributing to the second challenge of globalization.

# 2

As a country, Indonesia faces challenges of “unresolved historical tensions: between democracy and authoritarianism, between Islamic Majoritanism and pluralism, and between economic nationalism and need for foreign capital.” (Bland, 2020, p.1). Poverty grows due to moral decay, self-centeredness, unethical leadership, lack of transparency, and low access to education. One of the goals of governance is to reduce risks and enable speedy and safer development, but poor governance will impoverish citizens. Biblically, the best way to receive blessings is to bless the poor. A nation that seeks blessings must first bless the poor. The Bible says, “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17.
It is challenging to build trust when accountability is questionable, and immorality dictates the tune of governance, unjust, and cruel exercise dominates the political decision and power. A country without uniform worldview, but where religious crisis and animosity are employed by the politicians to cause division to their political advantage cannot excel. Such a nation will only give birth to abject poverty. Poverty can be controlled through a covenantal process where everyone belongs to a unified group as a country with a common interest of promoting the common good of the people. A nation thrives well, where there is mutual accountability. “Remember that part of the covenantal process is ensuring that every member understands the vision, terms, and stipulations of the covenant. (Fischer, 2010, p.71).


Throughout Jeffersons political career, he had maintained that elected officials did not have the authority to enforce laws or implement policies that were not granted to them by means of written law (Newbold, 2005a). Thats why the unapproved purchase of the Louisiana Territory, or more commonly known as the Louisiana Purchase, was so profound. Jefferson knew that if New Orleans remained in French control that it would force the United States to realign itself with Great Britain, and would lead America to war. The maintenance of economic independence, and safeguarding political and national security was paramount. Therefore, when the opportunity for the Louisiana Purchase was presented, there were no other options. His ethics, statesmanship, and governance once again came into play. Due to limited time constraints, Jefferson bypassed Congress without a constitutional amendment, since he was obligated to immediately accept Napoleons offer with best interests of the American people at heart and mind.
         However, his decision presented tumultuous extrinsically and intrinsically. Early public administration predicated on a strict politics/administration dichotomy, considered administration an exercise in neutral competence, with little opportunity (or justification) for administrators to exercise professional judgement and discretion (Plant, 2018). Extrinsically, his constituents were in awe of his consciousness to forgo his beliefs and abandon his values. However, Diplomats understood the importance of such a maneuver, and neither…considered their actions to be an absolute wrong (Newswander, 2012).  Intrinsically, Jeffersons personal values dictated that his decision caused constitutionally immorality, but his obligation to the American people fulfilled his responsibility hence, was indeed moral. The Lords word in 2 Timothy 2:15 says, Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

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