We can work on Psychology

False Memories

Watch the TED Talk Video by Elizabeth Loftus who is a memory expert. https://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_loftus_how_reliable_is_your_memory?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

It is also under Resources on Module 7.

Secondly, go to the Memory Powerpoint. Try to grasp at least 3 or 4 of the following concepts which are on the powerpoint, the etext, and in youtube- which have to do with memory. Your assignment is to explain 3 terms and give examples on how they may have interfered with your memory.


Echo selective attention


Storing information on basis of meaning and importance

Constructive Processing

Pseudo Memory

Network Model




For example, I looked up “Network Model of Memory”. The stated definition is “views the structure of long term memory as an organizational system of linked information”. You might need to check out the term on youtube to grasp that term. As a child I went to Ohio frequently to visit grandparents. As a child it was imprinted into my Long Term Memory that Ohio is a place of southern hospitality, my grandfather’s ice cream store, grandparents who prioritized me, and even horseback riding on farms which belonged to their friends. This was where the old south (southern Ohio) met with the old traditional values of the midwest. Even stories of a couple of brave ancestors who fought for the North in the Civil War. This imprinted my mind strongly. Later in life, I’ve done business with people from Ohio. My mind linked them to my childhood memory as I expected the best of their warm accents. Come to find out, they were cold, ruthless, and charming. Their accents and Ohio addresses bottlenecked my memory with false expectations.

Sometimes, a learner might need to do some homework to clarify these terms before providing personal examples of False Memory. It does increase your points if your examples are integrated with bits of research.

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Discuss a particular Episodic Memory that you experienced. Why do you think you are more likely to remember some facts and less likely to remember others? Make sure to discuss information from the readings such as external cues, which immediately take you back to a particular memory.

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