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Psychological law assignment

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Perception Research Eyewitness identification becomes less accurate when the witness is of a different race or ethnicity than the suspect. Create an annotated bibliography regarding research on this topic. You should locate ten (10) articles and complete 150-word descriptions that include the following: (a) author’s credentials; (b) intended audience of the article; and (c) reasons why the article is relevant/helpful.

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Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Perception Research Eyewitness identification becomes less accurate when the witness is of a different race or ethnicity than the suspect. Create an annotated bibliography regarding research on this topic. You should locate ten (10) articles and complete 150-word descriptions that include the following: (a) author’s credentials; (b) intended audience of the article; and (c) reasons why the article is relevant/helpful.

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