We can work on Psychological Analysis of Jay Gatsby


Complete a six-page paper exploring the personality of a famous literary figure using one of the theories of personality outlined in your textbook. You may select any adult literary figure from a work of fiction(e.g., Jay Gatsby, Atticus Finch, Sherlock Holmes). Please make sure you have enough information on your literary character to write a thorough paper, including his or her background/family-of-origin information, and select a character who appears to struggle with some form of mental illness. Included in the body of your paper will be the following:

(a) an Introduction section, where you will outline what you will accomplish in your paper (see the below sections)

(b) a Background section, where you will review the psychosocial history of your literary figure, including his or her family-of-origin, childhood years, adult years, significant relationships and accomplishments, and signs and/or symptoms of mental illness, and a tentative diagnostic category (e.g., depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, etc.)

(c) a Personality Conceptualization/Treatment section, where you will outline the personality theory you have chosen from the textbook, as well as the treatment approach articulated by your theorist; included in this section will be the application of the personality theory/treatment to your literary character

(d) a Discussion section, where you will offer your own thoughts/feelings about the potential fit of this theory to your literary character, as well as areas in which the theory could be strengthened so as to help your historical figure to heal; included in this section will be your thoughts on how the Christian faith can be integrated into the theory and treatment approach


1) The paper will be no less than 6 pages in length, excluding the Title page, Abstract page, and Reference page.

2) The paper will be in APA format, with a Title page, Abstract page, and Reference page, using 12-point font and Times New Roman, with 1″ margins.

3) The paper will include at least 6 professional references, at least four of which must be articles from peer-reviewed, academic journals. No website citations will be allowed.

4) The body of the paper will include an Introduction, Background, Personality Conceptualization/Treatment, and Discussion section.

5) The paper will include reflections on how the Christian faith intersects with the selected theoretical orientation in the Case Conceptualization section.

This assignment is worth a total of 150 points as the capstone project for this course. Papers will be graded using the following rubric:
APA Style/Formatting (25 points) – APA style/formatting is used consistently throughout the article with minimal to no errors: the Title page is in APA style; articles are cited appropriately in APA style; spelling, grammar, and punctuation are congruent with APA style; the Reference page is consistent with APA style.

Structure (50 points) – Introduction, Background, Personality Conceptualization/Treatment, and Discussion sections are well developed and supported by empirical research and academic sources; construction of topic is put into a logical order and is a synthesis of the research/academic literature on the topic; the Discussion section flows from the Introduction, Background, and Conceptualization/Treatment sections, offering original thoughts/reflections; the length of paper is at least 6 pages of text, excluding the Title, Abstract, and Reference pages, with 12-point font and 1” margins on all sides.

Background/Personality Conceptualization/Discussion (50 points) – At least 6 academic references are used, none of which are websites. The psychosocial history of the literary figure is thoroughly covered, and the personality theory is reviewed in detail before conceptualizing the case through the lens of the theory and offering a treatment approach. The student offers his or her own thoughts on the potential effectiveness of the theory and approach, as well as ways to strengthen the theory in helping the literary figure.

Faith Integration (25 points) – In the Discussion section, the topic is explicated through the lens of a Christian worldview via supporting passages in scripture or doctrinal statements; the author discusses how the Christian faith can be integrated with the theory he or she has selected, or highlights why the two cannot adequately be integrated.

Sample Solution

The life of a celebrity compared to an average person’s life is very different. A rich person lives a more luxuries lifestyle than the average person does. The average person usually only owns a single home where as someone of wealth may own several homes. The normal person is not as fortunate as someone who is rich and can sometimes be envious of what the elite own. The average salary for a middle class family is $60,000 to $85,000 the minimum amount of money you need to live a comfortable lifestyle these days is around $50,000. In order to be considered wealthy it is over a million dollars and with that amount of money you can buy almost anything you want and never have to work again, that is if you are careful with your finances. A rich celebrity on television usually owns a couple of luxurious homes all over the world that’s why we get excited watching them on television and showing all that they own. We, as the viewers, are interested to see what the rich have spent their money on. While we are also jeal>

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