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Psychiatric Interviews for Teaching: Mania
Watch the entire Video
Answer the questions below regarding the video case study above.
What is the diagnosis for this patient?
What behaviors does this client have that match the criteria DSM-IV for a diagnosis of MANIA.
List the symptoms that meet the criteria of DSM-5. (SEE THE DSM-IV CRITERIA).
1) List two treatment goals for this diagnosis. State goals using he SMART format (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and have a Timeline for completion) identify the main symptoms/problem in the video
2) What information do you think was missing in this video that you would have liked to have known?
3) What psychiatric symptom is a priority for treatment based on your assessment?
4) List your first choice of medication that would be appropriate for this case. Include name, brand & generic with its starting dose. (supported with references.)
5) Explain your decision making for this choice. What is your reason for choosing this medication?
6) What laboratory considerations, testing/monitoring are needed to safely prescribe this first choice of medication? (supported with references.)
7) What contraindications or safety issues are associated with this medication, what do you have to watch out for? What would you warn the patient about regarding this mediation? (supported with references.)
8) What is your second choice of medication in this case? Include name, brand and generic with its starting dose. (supported with references.)
9) Explain your decision making. What is your reason for choosing this second medication? (supported with references.)
10) What laboratory considerations, testing/monitoring are needed to safely prescribe this second medication? (supported with references.)
11) What contraindications or safety issues are associated with this medication, what do you have to watch out for? What would you warn the patient about regarding this mediation?
12) What would be a non-pharmacy treatment for the diagnosis in this case study?
13) Are there any safety concerns for the patient in this case? What are they? What could you do?
14) What/when would be your follow-up with this patient? Time till next appointment?
15) What in your opinion would be a safe alternative to medications for this patient? Complimentary Alternative Medications (CAM)?
16) Does this patient require psychiatric admission? Why/Why Not?

Sample Solution

The Farm Bill directly impacts the nutrition and dietetics profession by playing an important role in reducing food insecurity, improving individual’s access to healthy food, and acknowledging the connection between food insecurity and adverse health outcomes. Nutrition professionals’ primary goal is to ensure adequate, healthful foods that promote longevity and contribute to the population’s overall well being, and to provide the tools and resources to help this population make conscious efforts to control their health. Food insecurity can have a great impact on an individual’s dietary intake, an important aspect of the dietetics practice. It is shown that people of this population tend to spend money on foods that are both inexpensive and nutritionally inadequate, which may be contributing to the rise of malnutrition and prevalence of chronic disease. Food insecurity is also associated with inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables.15 Mozaffarian et al conducted a research study aimed at estimating the health impact, program and healthcare costs, and cost-effectiveness of food incentives, disincentives, or restrictions in SNAP. After evaluating 3 different incentive/dicentive approaches to potential snap revisions in the 2018 farm bill, regarding fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, plant based oils, junk food, and processed meats, the simulation estimates that the combined incentive/decentive program produced the largest health gains and reduced healthcare and food costs, with net savings of $63.33 billion over a lifetime, concluding that emphasizing healthier eating through SNAP could benefit participants’ health in the long run.5 These findings support the need to pilot these SNAP interventions in different state programs, and emphasize the impact that the Farm Bill is instituting by supporting nutrition assistant programs for consumers through funding . Additionally, the Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Grant Program (FINI) was brought to action to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among SNAP participants by offering incentives, such as coupons, gift cards, and loyalty cards in the 2014 Farm Bill. Despite the effort to restructure SNAP, the 2018 farm bill preserved programs like these to help eliminate food insecurity.16 In 2018, interviews with FINI grantees revealed that the implementation of FINI programs led to an i>

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