We can work on PSYCH 102 College of The Canyons Behavioral Neuroscience Discussion – Assignment Help

Question Description

Instructions: To be eligible for full credit you must exceed the minimum word requirement, answer all of the questions, use your own words, and cite outside sources including your textbook. Additionally, remember there are two parts to each Discussion, a Response and a Reply. You must complete both portions to be eligible for full credit.

Our textbook offers a FREE companion website that provides learning objectives, practice quizzes, flashcards, videos & websites relating to material in each chapter.

For the “Discussion #1 Response,” read Chapter 1 of your textbook, then click on the “Brain & Behavior Companion Website” link below and review the many concepts relating to physiological psychology that we will be exploring this semester. Look through the chapter links on the left side of the screen and view media (videos, websites, articles, etc.) from the drop down menu. Select two topics of particular interest to you and examine the information provided on the site. Then, answer the following questions in your Response.

Brain & Behavior Companion Website Link (Links to an external site.)

(1) Based on material presented in chapter 1 of your textbook and on the companion website, give comprehensive definitions, in your own words, of the field of behavioral neuroscience/physiological psychology.

(2) After reviewing the information presented at the companion website, select two topics listed in the resources that you found interesting. Give a detailed overview of each of topic you selected and provide links from the companion site that relate to the topic. Then, discuss the reasons why they were of interest to you.

(3) After reviewing your textbook, describe which chapter/s cover information that relates to each of the two topics of interest you listed above. (You may have to make an educated guess after reviewing the table of contents.) In doing this, explain in what way/s the topic may relate to specific content from the book.

(4) Discuss at least two things that you learned &/or two things that surprised you about the field of behavioral neuroscience/physiological psychology. Did you find this information in your textbook or from the companion website? What, specifically, about each of these items was of interest to you?

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