We can work on PSYC 2301 HU Week 9 Classical & Operant Conditioning Behavior Modification Discussion – Assignment Help

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Chapter 6 discusses Classical and Operant Conditioning. Conduct outside research to learn more about the topic and current common uses for each form of conditioning. Use research and the textbook to answer the following questions:

  • Which form of conditioning is used most for behavior modification? Why does this form work better?
  • Why would Classical Conditioning help someone in their daily life functioning?
  • Which form of conditioning would you most likely see in a classroom setting?
  • Create your own examples of each form of conditioning. Be sure to include the following information in your answer.
    1. In addressing classical conditioning:
      • Identify UCS, UCR, NS, CS, and CR.
      • Discuss any stimulus generalization that you observed.
      • Discuss any extinction and spontaneous that occurred.
    2. In addressing operant conditioning:
      • Identify negative and positive reinforcements and punishments.
      • Label the schedule of reinforcement or punishment.

      *Must be in APA format. Must be around 700 words (20 sentences) in length and follow the rubric requirements of outside research and source documentation.

    3. The textbook which is attached need to be included and you need to mention

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