We can work on PSY 101 Award for Best Children Short Film Discussion – Assignment Help

I’m studying for my Social Science class and need an explanation.

Please make it look simple and don’t use sources other than the PPT and the book if you needed it (Zimbardo, P.G., Johnson, R.L., & McCann, V. (2017).Psychology: Core concepts(8thed.). Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon)

Assignment #3: Observational Learning and Social Psychology. As discussed in your text, television, video games, and movies are powerful sources of observational learning, especially for children. For this assignment, select and view a TV show, video game, or movie that is specifically targeted to pre-school aged children (2-5 year olds) or school-aged children (6-12 year olds). After watching, address the following questions.

  • What age group does the program target?
  • Briefly describe the main character(s)—such as, their age, gender,personality traits. Are they attractive models?
  • What message or lesson might a child get from watching this show?
  • Relate that message or lesson to at least one concept from social psychology(e.g., obedience to authority; conformity; persuasion; stereotypes…). See chapter 11 of your text.

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