We can work on PSY 3010 Ohio Christian University Lifespan Psychology Project Outline & Resources – Assignment Help

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Lifespan Psychology Project Outline and ResourcesDemonstrate the process of building a large research project through milestones.

The Final Project is due in Week 5, but you will not arrive at that week and suddenly realize you have a big item due. Best practice is to learn how to systematically build a large research project through a series of doable steps. Review the Final Project Guidelines.

You have already chosen our topic and begun your research. For this week, you will submit a progress report to your facilitator that includes an outline and three of your five sources.

Week Three Progress Expectations
For this week, you are required to submit a progress report. It will include:

  • A detailed outline of your topic.
  • Three of your five resources listed at the end of your outline in APA format.

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