We can work on PS 401 PU Personality Disorders General Description & How to Address the Problem Essay – Assignment Help

I’m trying to study for my Psychology course and I need some help to understand this question.

1. Discuss what you determine to presently be the most urgent issue in the field of abnormal psychology? Answer needs to be supported with information you have learned this term. What needs to be done to address this problem?

2. Answer each of the parts separately and number them.

  1. List the criteria for the general description of Personality Disorders.
  2. Describe situations where knowledge of Personality Disorders would be helpful.

Describe one of the Personality Disorders in terms of:

  1. the diagnostic criteria,
  2. the etiology ,
  3. types of treatment and effectiveness of this treatment,
  4. gender issues and
  5. prognosis.

3. Describe 3 significant ideas that you have learned this term. Indicate how this information will make a difference in how you perceive abnormal behavior and how you will apply this information.

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