We can work on PS 390 PUG Competencies of An Industrial Organizational Professional Discussion – Assignment Help

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This assignment assesses the following outcomes:

PS390-2: Examine the professional competencies of an industrial organizational professional.

PS390-5: Describe the principles of staffing, performance management, and training in Industrial Psychology.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

Assignment Description:

Complete this week’s Learning Activity to prepare for your Assignment.

Imagine that you have been hired as an I/O professional to develop an effective job analysis for high school teachers. Write a 3-4 page paper where you will look at the professional competencies of an I/O professional and identify the tasks, duties and KSAOs needed for successful performance as a teacher. The job analysis results will also be used in the future to develop valid job criteria, a performance appraisal system, and selection procedures for hiring new teachers, and to determine how much the job will pay.

Remember your assignment is not to develop a performance appraisal system or develop selection criteria, but to conduct a thorough job analysis that can be used for several functions such as recruitment, performance management, training and development, selection, and job evaluation.

You will need to include the following topic:

  • Specify what job analysis method(s) you will use to define the tasks and worker requirements (KSAOs needed) (O*Net).
  • Identify an adequate number of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) needed to obtain reliable judgments in determining the essential job tasks and duties.
  • Identify the KSAOs you think are necessary for would be relevant to a high school teacher.
  • Provide sound justifications based on I/O principles for your decisions.
  • Identify three I/O professional competencies that would be required for the development of the job analysis.

Citing Sources

Your presentation must be your original work; plagiarism will not be tolerated. Be sure to review the syllabus in terms of what constitutes plagiarism. It is important to always attribute credit to the proper sources when relying on the text, articles, websites, or other sources. You must credit your work when you:

The Assignment should:

  • Follow Assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results).
  • Use correct APA formatting per the APA Publication Manual.
  • Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
  • Be written in Standard English and be clear, specific, and error-free.

Your paper should include:

  • Title Page
  • Introduction
  • Main Body of the paper
  • Conclusion
  • Reference Page

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