We can work on PROJ586 Phoenix Week 6 Implementing Java Culture Coffee Shop Paper – Assignment Help

Wow! Your project is moving along nicely. Now let’s look at communications and meetings for your project. This week, there are two deliverables.

  • Create communication plan—discuss the types of meetings that would be needed
  • Create a meeting agenda for a status or progress meeting with your team

Please provide these two deliverables (MS Word documents).

Using the Communication Plan template located in the Project Templates section near the top of this page, identify the types of meetings that will need to take place for this project. Complete the communication plan. Write a one page essay to describe, in your own words, the communication plan, and why it is important for this project.

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PROJ586 Phoenix Week 6 Implementing Java Culture Coffee Shop Paper was first posted on February 21, 2021 at 8:32 am.
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