We can work on Processing Design Using Hierarchy Charts and Flowcharts

Learning Objectives: To demonstrate the student’s level of competence in processing design including:
• Developing the Essential Model
• Developing the Implementation Model

For the problem described in Homework 1:

  1. Include a copy of your I/O Design (you may modify/improve what you turned in for homework 1).
  2. Create a data dictionary for your project (see below)
  3. Develop the Essential Model- a hierarchy model.
  4. Develop an Implementation Model using a Flowchart
    For this assignment you will need to use some software such as Visio, Powerpoint or Word to draw your models.
    Here is a link to a tutorial about creating flowcharts in Word:
    The problem you are addressing for Homework 2 is the same as it was for Homework 1. Make sure you have the variables and logic nailed down (the human-level and program-level walk-throughs) before you start on homework 2! If you have questions- get in touch and schedule some one-on-one time. Be sure to review feedback from Homework 1 in Blackboard.

FYI- The most common errors in homework 2 usually include:

  • Using the wrong symbols.
  • Not including logic to “stop and report” when the user inputs -1
  • Not counting the number of students.
  • Not calculating the average GPA.
  • Not calculating the max GPA.
  • Not keeping track of the student_ID of the student with the highest GPA.

Submission Instructions:
• Your essential model and implementation model can be in the same file, but they must be in different slides, sheets, etc. Eg: if you use Powerpoint, your essential model should be on one slide and the implementation model should be on another slide.
• If you need to use more than one slide for your model, that is fine- just be sure to make notes/labels that make it easy to follow your logic. (There is a protocol for this noted in the book- use it!)
• Submit your assignment via Blackboard.
For this project, you also need to create a data dictionary in Excel and submit it through Blackboard.
Quick and dirty: A data dictionary is a list of variables of interest, and it tells us various things about each variable such as (at a minimum):

  • a description of what a variable measures
  • how the variable is measured (units)
  • the origin of the data (eg: user entered, a database (including table and field), URL, etc.)
    Data dictionaries also often include:
  • data type (integer, float, date, String, etc.)
  • allowable values (A, B, C, D, and F; positive integers, 0 to 100 Million, text, etc.)
  • date of collection
  • default values
    For more information, here is a quick and solid resource:
    Data dictionaries can be very formal and technical (eg: data dictionaries at the CDC or VA), or they can be quick and dirty. For our project, please follow these guidelines…
    The data should be in a table format in Excel, with the column names at the top of the table. By “table format”, I just mean “columns and rows”. Your columns should be the following:
    Variable_name – variable name should be all lower-case, start with text (a-z), and should include only letters, numbers, or underscores. No special characters and NO SPACES.
    Variable_description – Brief description (layman’s terms) of the variable
    Data_source_org – What is the source organization of the data? Does your data come from user input? Is the data an aggregate of other data (eg: Is the data an average, sum, or count of another data field.) Is is your data from an outside source? Eg: Wikipedia, US CDC, World Health Org, etc. In this class, your data sources will be “user input” or “derived from variables x, y, z, etc.” You do NOT need a source organization or source URL- the tables below are for illustration purposes only. Later in your career, the source may be an exact address, database, and table.
    variable_type – text or number? Integer, String, etc.
    Measurement_unit – If data is a number, in what unit is the data measured and stored? (eg: state_name, units per 100k, percent, dollars, gallons, meters, etc.)

2 excellent examples from student projects in other classes are shown below

Sample Solution

Neighborhood people group ought to conform to government laws and homegrown guidelines. However long they meet the prerequisites of these chances, everybody has equivalent open doors for an amazing duration. Individuals who are qualified and give a valiant effort for the network lead the network. Society depends on choice, except if rules are watched and nobody is harmed. Rules and guidelines are intended to secure individuals of the general public so as to manufacture a sheltered and amicable network. There are two essential sorts of network networks, networks characterized by geologically characterized networks and topographically various factors. Instances of geologically characterized networks are networks or neighborhoods. The accumulated houses share a typical space. Nearby economies and territorial organizations are additionally viewed as a feature of the neighboring network. Individuals from the network are invested individuals in network wellbeing, and I am keen on this What is a network? Parker characterizes the network as individuals who share a typical space or district, share a typical relationship, connect with one another, and are broadly utilized in the writing (Fritz, 1985). The people group comprises of common commitments and collaborations connecting people to foundations and relationship organizations. In most geological networks, there is a typical association and a pretty much free network. Schools, law requirement offices, and social government assistance offices are three instances of formal associations inside the network that are especially applicable for substance misuse. Guardians and understudy associations vary in structure, basic to most networks, and can assume a significant part in forestalling drug misuse. Local gatherings and individuals from the association cooperate to make, characterize, and take care of social issues by communicating with each other. Declining Drug Abuse: Sociological Strategy for Community Social Practice W. David Watts South West Texas State University At first, socialism appeared to be an ideal for Russian residents. The understanding of Lenin’s own Marxist study should initially be a communist tyrant so as to accomplish socialism. Start things out to stifle complaints and fights. Through obligatory measures, the new government snatched power and in 1917 Lenin took power. Subjects that can improve the administration’s vocation include: public talking, news-casting, relational correspondence, media framework presentation, correspondence hypothesis, correspondence research technique, authoritative correspondence, conversation and conversation, manner of speaking hypothesis and analysis , Political correspondence, influence, media execution, tuning in, correspondence morals, execution research, execution. The connection among computerization and correspondence has gotten the subject of broad examination by correspondence specialists. Numerous broadcast communications offices offer specialization in data science, human data hypothesis and cycles or correspondence innovations, which frequently incorporate PCs, compacted video, and interchanges through phone calls. Correspondence is wherever in the improvement cycle. Correspondence incorporates broad communications, media communications, data and correspondence innovation (ICT), sorted out relational correspondence, and all the assets that society uses to make data stream. Its motivation is to urge individuals to give data, instruct, convince, engage, propel, and advance social changes that add to the improvement of the nation. As indicated by Fraser and Restrepo – Estrada (2001), it states as follows. Correspondence is a fundamental aspect of the improvement plan from the beginning, recognizing issues and needs, and assuming a significant part in itemized measures. Assessment … Correspondence requires clear objectives, recognizable proof of different subjects, cautious data plan, and checking and criticism. ” Techniques for network based sociological practice are examined. With regards to social development of reasonable speculations, the function of sociologists in helping networks comprehend social issues has been broke down. When the network acknowledges young people ‘substance misuse issues, the hypothesis of control and partners’ affiliation can lead sociologists who wish to work with neighborhood pioneers to battle drug misuse. Network association, reinforce the association among guardians and different gatherings, bring down the network’s capacity to bear drug misuse, assemble uphold for peer counteraction Declining Drug Abuse: Sociological Strategy for Community Social Practice W. David Watts South West Texas State University>

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