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1.Explains a decision-making model
(Theory Z is not really a decision making model but is a management model. To reach a distinguished for this scoring guide area learners need to fully describe all the components of at least two decision making models, such as the rational decision making model and the intuitive decision making model and the compare and contrast the two models. You might also consider the OODA loop model or Klein’s recognition primed decision making model or the model from Vroom-Yetton-Jago.)

  1. Describe a solution to an organizational communication problem using a decision-making model.
  2. Justify how recommended solutions address a communication problem.
    (The paper included comments related to justifications although comparisons between two possible decision making models would have been a good topic to include.)

Sample Solution

LMX mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and performance (more specifically, task performance and organisational citizenship behaviour). The study concluded that the behaviours of the transformational leadership are a social currency that nourishes a high-quality leader-member exchange; that transformational leadership enhances followers’ receptivity for role expansion and extra-role actions via processes of social and/or personal identification; and that leader-member exchange gives leadership a more personal meaning (Wang, Law, Hackett, Wang, & Chen, 2005). In a case-based analysis, Roussin (2008) found that dyadic leadership discovery – “leader joining in honest, revealing, and (potentially) trust- building conversations with individual team members” – was more effective in increasing team psychological safety and team performance (Roussin, 2008). In a study aimed at understanding whether LMX mediates the relationship between Research&Development team leadership and employees’ organisational commitment, Lee (2005) found that transactional leadership had no associations or negative associations with different dimensions of LMX (Lee, 2005). A subsequent study of the author established that transactional leadership is negatively influencing innovativeness due to the leader-member exchanges that it encourages (Lee, 2008). H3: LMX partially mediates the relationship between transformational, respectively transactional, leadership on the one hand and psychological safety on the other hand. Conceptual framework>

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