We can work on Probability and Stochastic Processes

(1) Let Ω = R, F = {A ⊂ Ω : A is countable or Ac
is countable}. Define a function
P : F → [0, 1] as P(A) = 0 if A is countable and P(A) = 1 if A is uncountable. Show that
(Ω, F, P) is a probability space.
(2) Let (Fn)n∈N be a sequence of σ-algebras such that F1 ⊂ F2 ⊂ F3 ⊂ · · · . Is ∪n∈NFn a
σ-algebra in general? If yes, prove it. If no, give a counter example.
(3) Show that the Borel σ-algebra on R
(the σ-algebra generated by all open sets in R
is also generated by the following collection of subsets
S =
(a1, b1] × (a2, b2] × · · · × (ad, bd] ∈ R
: ai < bi
for i = 1, 2, …, do
(4) Suppose X and Y are random variables on (Ω, F, P) and let A ∈ F. Let Z : Ω → R
Z(ω) = (
X(w) if ω ∈ A
Y (ω) if ω /∈ A
Show that Z is also a random variable on (Ω, F, P).
(5) Read the proof of Theorem 1.1.4 in the textbook.

Sample Solution

Presentation Human Resource Management (HRM) is one of the most significance work in any association. The essential capacity of HRM is dealing with the individuals, which in straightforward explanation is putting opportune individuals at right in correct time. HRM includes the exercises as enrollment and determination, preparing and improvement, reward and execution examination and so on of a representative. In this task, Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be taken as a picked association. CQC is an administration financed social insurance managing body which is in charge of controlling and checking of human services specialist organizations to ensure they submit to the measures and principles and guidelines set by the legislature. Other than CQC is offered specialist to rebuff the specialist organizations on the off chance that they don’t fulfill the guidelines. Undertaking 1.1. Meaning of Strategic HRM in associations: Human Resource Management (HRM) is one of the real capacities in an association for overseeing individuals inside association, concentrating on the frameworks and strategies of the association (Collings and Wood, 2009). HRM is fundamentally the frameworks and procedures of enlistment, determination, preparing and advancement, examinations and compensating of the representatives (Paauwe and Boon, 2009). Vital HRM in the present setting, is a need for associations which, as indicated by Wright and McMahan (1992) is an arranged human asset sending and exercises that empower an association to seek after its objectives. Different HRM models have been considered and proposed by various creators. The following is the exchange on some of them. Devanne et al’s Matching Model of Strategic HRM This model, proposed by Devanne et al (1984) depends on the way of thinking of coordinating (or fit) of HR frameworks and hierarchical structure with the authoritative procedure, where, HRM methodology and hierarchical structure pursue and feed upon each other and are impacted by ecological powers. The constraint of this hypothesis is that it expect that authoritative controllers act judiciously. Notwithstanding, a few scholars contend that key choices need not really founded on sane figuring. As contended by Boxall (1992), exorbitant fitting can make an organization firm and unequipped for rapidly adjusting to outside condition, neglecting to increase upper hand. Fig. 1 Devanne et al (1984’s) Matching Model of Strategic HRM Hard/Soft Model of SHRM HRM, as proposed by Story (1992), can be separated into ‘Hard’ and ‘ Soft’ HRM. The hard model is portrayed by top-down methodology where representatives have little opportunity to act. It very well may be contended that ‘hard’ HRM centers around asset part of HR, as hard HRM is instrumental and workers are considered as items. In this model, the center is in the numerical administration of representatives so workforce can be firmly coordinated with the prerequisite. Conversely, ‘delicate’ HRM manages the human angles and improves duty and contribution of the workers. Maybe, more properly it tends to be said that individuals are driven, rather than being overseen and individuals are engaged with basic leadership process. HR Strategies HR Strategies traces what the association expects to do in regards to HRM arrangements and how they ought to incorporate with business procedure. Dyer and Reeves alludes HR techniques as ‘inside predictable human asset rehearses’. The motivation behind HR techniques is to give correspondence intends to the goals about how the HR will be overseen. A wide range of methodologies are predominant relying upon the association. In any case, comprehensively the HR methodologies are arranged into Overarching HR techniques and Specific procedures. The Overarching HR systems portray the hierarchical aims about how individuals ought to be figured out how to guarantee association can create and hold its kin to make them submitted and locked in. The Specific HR procedures set out the association’s expectations in explicit regions as ability the executives, nonstop improvement, information the board, resourcing, reward and representative relations (Armstrong, 2006). There are different ways to deal with HR procedure that can be named as resourced based, accomplishing elite administration, key fit, high duty the executives and high inclusion the executives. In CQC, it is seen that it fundamentally centers around the improvement of its kin through constant preparing and advancement programs. The norms and guidelines and guidelines that are refreshed by the need and circumstance starts further learning headway in the workforce that fortifies the effectiveness of the staff. This gives the thought that CQC receives the particular HR methodology. Criteria for fruitful technique: The effective methodology is the one which works with a sense in accomplishing what it intends to accomplish, centering to fulfill the necessities of the business. The procedure should be founded on point by point investigation, not simply negligible reasoning, and considers the necessities of representatives and directors just as those of partners. As contended by Boxall and Purcell (2003), HR arranging should concentrate on necessities of the partners associated with individuals the board and the association. Undertaking 1.2 Importance of HRM in associations An association needs great HR to construct a decent group of workforce. The principle capacity of HRM incorporates selecting individuals, give preparing, evaluations and rouse them just as working environment wellbeing and correspondence. Huselid, Jackson and Schuler (1997) completed an investigation on human capital of the HR office by differentiating specialized versus key HR chief abilities which prompted the outcome that specialized HRM adequacy was not identified with hierarchical execution. Be that as it may, key adequacy was identified with worker execution, income, and market esteem. Examines on Strategic HRM have frequently viewed as unexpected connections to accomplish a fit between HR exercises with key results. Miles and Snow (1984) proposed a procedure typology (later depicted as possibility approach), that demonstrated how corporate and business techniques could be coordinated with HR rehearses. This point of view implies that a lot of HR practice is needy upon the association’s technique. The significance of HRM in improving authoritative execution is fundamental. The connecting pin among vertical and even arrangement in key HRM is the individual condition fit. In addition, Werbel and Demarie (2005) proposed vertical connecting between HR frameworks with corporate systems through hierarchical skills and flat connection with HRM rehearses as intends to improve authoritative execution. Key HRM, consequently connects HR rehearses with corporate procedure and is accepted that the combination between business systems and HRM reflects in successful administration of HR, in this way improving authoritative execution. Undertaking 1.3 Framework of vital HRM The discourse on the system of key HRM, here is done on the Harvard structure. Created by Beer et al (1984), this model investigations the answer for the issues of the work force the board. The model of Harvard system proposes that HRM comprises of two attributes: 1) line chiefs acknowledges more obligations to guarantee arrangement between work force approaches and aggressive procedure; 2) the staff strategies oversee how exercises are created and actualized that upgrades support. As upheld by Boxall (1992), this model has the benefits of consolidating scope of partners; recognizes a wide scope of situational factors; puts accentuation on key decision and incorporates the worker impact. Fig. 2. Harvard Model of HRM (Beer et al, 1984) The Harvard Framework traces four HR arrangement zones: Employee impact; Human asset streams; Reward frameworks and Work frameworks. These, thusly lead to ‘four C’s’ (HR arrangements that should be accomplished; Commitment, Congruence, Competence and Cost adequacy. As contended by Beer et al (1984) the long haul impacts of advantages and HR approaches must be assessed at individual, hierarchical and cultural level, which thus should be dissected utilizing these four C’s. The Harvard model has impressive impact over the HRM practice, and the accentuation is especially on the way that HRM is the activity of the executives rather that the faculty work, specifically. Assignment 2.1 Analysis of the Human Resource Process The human asset process on a very basic level is the procedure of detailing, execution and assessment of the HR techniques. Procedure Formulation It is important to consider the intuitive connection among HRM and business methodology while characterizing ways to deal with detailing of HR systems (Hendry and Pettigrew, 1990). The procedure detailing procedure is affected by different outer and inside components. As distinguished by Formbrun (1984) political, affordable, socio-social and innovative condition are the outside elements that effect the definition procedure. The adjustments in these elements can be brought by changes in financial conditions in explicit parts, better data handling, changes in workforce/request estimating and political impacts which impact the settings of vital heading. Authoritative culture, representatives and the executives, HR office and its ability are the inside components as distinguished by Truss and Gratton (1994). Procedure Implementation The achievement of technique execution is reliant on the capabilities of the HR. The linkage of vertical and flat fit conceptualized by Graton, Hope-Hailey, Stiles and Truss (1999) appear to fit here. In vertical fit, HRM frameworks like execution the executives, enrollment and determination, preparing and advancement should be lined up with the HR methodology, while, in even fit the HR system lines up with the individuals and the procedure. Assessment is the last procedure of HR process that manages survey and assessment of the >

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