1. What was the annual precipitation at this site (in mm)? (1 mark)
  2. Given that this precipitation fell in a watershed that has an area of 10208 hectares, how many km3 of water fell in this watershed during 2014? (2 marks)
  3. Given that annual evapotranspiration from this watershed during 2014 was 584 mm, what was the likely runoff from this watershed during 2014 (in m3)? Assume that there was net accumulation of groundwater in the watershed of 19 mm and that storage increased (it stayed wetter) in the watershed by 26 mm over this period. (3 marks)
  4. Given the total precipitation amount and runoff at this site, ascribe what type of climate (humid-temperate, rainforest, or desert) it is and where you think (geographically) this rain gauge might be located. Why do you say this? Do some research (and cite your sources) if needed. (4 marks)
  5. Does anything seem odd to you about this precipitation record? What? Given this is data from a standard tipping bucket rain gauge, what do you think the issue underlying this/these oddity(ies) is? (3 marks)

B. Rainfall Intensity and Duration Analysis (use “Hourly Precip Data August.xls”) (19 marks)

  1. Given the data for August 4 and August 16 only, find the maximum amount of rain to fall in 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours, and find the rainfall intensity during each of these periods. For ease of formatting, provide your answer in two separate tables (1 for each date) using the headings below. For an example calculation, show how you calculated maximum rainfall intensity over 3 hours only. (7 marks)

Date //__
Duration (min) Amount of precip. (mm) Precip intensity (mm/hr-1)

  1. Plot intensity against duration for both events (i.e. 6 points for each chart) on the same graph using logarithmic y and x scales. Run a line of best fit through your data (one that looks linear when both axes are logarithmic) and provide the equation for each line and its associated R2 coefficient. Describe the relationships you observe for both periods, especially differences between the relationships for the two different events. Make sure to label and annotate your charts properly. (8 marks)
  2. Ascribe uplift mechanisms to both rainfall events (i.e. what type of rainfall producing mechanism might have resulted in charts such as these). Why do you think this? (4 marks)

C. Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges (10 lines text maximum) (5 marks)

  1. Describe how a tipping bucket rain gauge works. For the data given here, what depth of rainfall do you think is represented by a single tip? (5 marks)

Sample Solution

Business Structure/Intellectual Property Rights Before embarking on the development of the proposed app, it is essential to understand what is meant by an Intellectual property. Intellectual property (“IP”) refers to all the elements that are used during the process of developing and promoting your app. These include the app designs, graphics, app name, app logo, source code, etc. You will need to be aware of some key factors when considering the Intellectual Property Rights: Protecting your app’s intellectual properties from your competitors Professional mobile app developing companies cannot afford to ignore the importance of protecting the intellectual rights of the applications they create. Hence, it is important to be aware of certain tips regarding the protection of intellectual properties. The Intellectual Property Office, which deals with the registration of patents, designs, trademarks and copyright, will carry out a search prior to registering the protection of a new app. This is to ensure that there has been no prior registration to protect the app against any future duplication. If the app is not patented, the intellectual rights on them can be protected via company-wide trade secret agreements which implicitly state that all types of unauthorized public disclosures about the app are banned except the promotional pitches issued by the company. The app can get copyrighted to prevent your app ideas from getting blatantly copied by rival mobile app companies. Also, it is important to get the app code registered to prevent the app designs/features from getting duplicated. Ensuring that you do not infringe the IP of a third party It is difficult to know whether your app might infringe the rights of a third party, but you can take steps to avoid infringement. You can minimize the risk of infringing third-party copyrights or misappropriating third-party trade secrets by making your app an original work and ensuring that the developers have not borrowed the content or code from any other app. You can reduce Intellectual Property infringement risk by conducting a trademark search that looks for prior users of similar marks, and you can conduct a patent search to determine if your app infringes an existing or pending patent. Development Agreement When an app is developed in-house, you s>

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