We can work on Princess Nourah Rahman University Methodology in Clinical Psychology Discussion – Assignment Help

I don’t understand this Psychology question and need help to study.

? ? The answers to the questions will be by reading the attachment??

Title (use only the title to answer these questions)

1. What is the general topic? ( 0.5 Mark)

Write one sentence in your own words about the idea you get from the title about the general topic.

2. Which variables are included in the research question? (0.5 Mark)

What are the variables that students will measure according to the title of their assignment?

Motivation and research question

3. What did you read about the relevance of the study? ( 0.5 Mark)

Write down in your own words what the relevance of the study is, what you understood from assignment 3.

4. What are the questions that need answering, according to the writer? (0.5 Mark)

5.. What knowledge will we gain from conducting this research? (0.5 Mark)

What did you understood from the relevance, which insight will we gain, what advise will you be able to give. Do you have other ideas?

Is this question part of your assignment?

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