We can work on Presentation requirements:Chicken of the Woods

Presentation requirements:Chicken of the Woods | Assignment Solutions

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PowerPoint, There must be a visual element (e.g., photos, videos, graphs, figures).Your presentation must contain approximately 10-15 slides (excluding references) and run approximately 5-10 minutes.Text is organized using concise phrases typed on each slide and properly cited. Please note that less than 10% of your presentation should contain direct quotes.Proper use and pronunciation of scientific terminology are required.  For help with pronunciation, see this link: Cambridge Dictionary Be sure to properly cite your work, both internal to the presentation (in-text citations) as well as within the reference slide (this includes photos, graphs, figures, videos, etc.).All references listed on the reference slide should be cited internally within the presentation (in-text citations), and vice versa. ** Work that is improperly cited and referenced or lacking either proper in-text citations or references may not be accepted for credit. **

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