We can work on Practice Problem

Evidence based practice is essential to effective social work practice. For this assignment, you are required to (a) identify a current practice problem relevant in your current agency (i.e., working with resistant clients, engaging clients when they don’t talk much, having negative perceptions about your client, counter transference, etc.), (b) after identifying your practice problem, conduct an extensive literature search as it relates to your practice problem that provides you with a complete understanding of the practice problem. Based on your findings in the literature, what did you discover that will help you address your practice problem? How might your research guide your work in your field agency? After reviewing the literature/research and comparing it to the practice problem, the student is expected to do the following: 1. Briefly discusses the literature (Please locate literature on flaws in the foster care system) 2. Briefly identifies the practice problem (Build financial capability for all Nearly half of all American households are financially insecure, without adequate savings to meet basic living expenses for three months. We can significantly reduce economic hardship and the debilitating effects of poverty by adopting social policies that bolster lifelong income generation and safe retirement accounts; expand workforce training and re-training, and provide financial literacy and access to quality affordable financial services. 3. Briefly explains how the literature will be used to address the practice problem while engaging in the agency.

Sample Solution

Power, Politics, and Buddhism Religion and legislative issues are considered by a few, similar to the organizers of the United States, things that ought to stay independent. In any case, attempt as anybody may insofar as individuals put stock in religions their own convictions in these religions will consistently help shape their basic leadership forms. Buddhism is the same and explicitly in Southeast Asia numerous political strategies and perspectives have been formed by the Buddha’s lessons. Buddhism has a model wherein the relationship of Buddhism practices, qualities, and establishments figure out how to impact the exchange of intensity and governmental issues and there are likewise various connections between Buddhism, kingdoms and present day states specked during various verifiable occasions in Southeast Asia. To start, the dialog of a model that directs all connections among Buddhism and legislative issues appears to be very difficult to trust in. This is on the grounds that once the Buddha breathed easy caused significant damage, Buddhism fanned out into various groups which have various methods for translating the dhamma. In spite of the fact that it is not necessarily the case that Buddhism did not have impacts with governmental issues and power while the Buddha was as yet alive. It very well may be securely expected that Buddhism was bolstered by “… the social, financial, and political elites for social, political, and furthermore religious reasons.” (Swearer 2010: 71) Siddhartha was raised inside the decision khattiya class and along these lines as the legends of the past might derive, rulers, for example, his own dad were monster supporters of Buddhism when it was initially starting to sprout and it is vital to make reference to this. Illustrious and religious organizations upheld each other in South and Southeast Asia on shared terms; for the imperial support of the request found in Buddhist cloisters was “responded by institutional steadfastness, and the development of religious cosmologies and folklores that valorized the ruler as the propagator of the Buddha’s religion (sansa) were viewed as fundamental to the quiet amicability and prosperity of the state.” (Swearer 2010: 72). Presently if there was a model to discuss that would help carry a solid model for how to administer for future Buddhist ruler it would be Asoka, The Exemplary Buddhist Ruler. Buddhism generally utilizes Asoka as the original of the cakkavattin, which is mythic Buddhist ruler who might represent the dhamma and principle by it, Asoka embodied the dasarajadhamma or what is otherwise called the ten illustrious ethics. These illustrious temperances are, “liberality, moral uprightness, benevolence, consideration, restraint, non-outrage, peacefulness, tolerance, and adherence to the standard of exemplary nature.” (Swearer 2010: 73) Asoka, was the grandson of Candragupta (the organizer of the Mauryan tradition which endured from 317 – 189 B.C.E), and he adopted on the strategies of development appeared by his ancestors and before long amassed the farest extending political solidarity India knew before the happening to the pioneer time frame. He administered this gigantic domain beginning from 270 B.C.E. until 232 B.C.E. what’s more, the greater part of our comprehension of Asoka originates from mainstays of that recognized Asoka. The columns were not by any means the only things that show us into the historical backdrop of Asoka yet The Story of King Asoka, written in Sanskrit and three distinctive Pali works named The Island Chronicle, The Great Chronicle, and analysis by Buddhaghosa on the Vinaya. (Swearer 2010: 73) When Asoka changed over to Buddhism he changed history in a significant manner which incorporated the shaping of Theravada Buddhism. Ruler Kyanzittha of Pagan) and King Tilokaraja of Chiang Mai were two standards whom pursued the methods for Asoka. They themselves turned out to be a piece of the historical backdrop of Buddhism for, “The religion they support truly has its foundations in the individual of the Buddha, whose physical nearness mysteriously dwells in his relics, and their political principle is grounded in the mythologized profession of Asoka who, thusly, is spoken to as the verifiable exemplification of the primary world ruler.” (Swearer 2010: 73) Stories of Asoka, albeit to some degree issue in chronicled terms with the various writings not continually supporting one another, is something different rulers (like the past referenced ones) let them be guided by. Asoka in his ninth year of rule had a war break out inside Magadha, which was the heartland of the Mauryan, and the Kalinga which the kingdom with the most power in India that still was not under Asoka’s standard. Asoka was moved by the abhorrences he caused upon the Kalingans which incorporated the constrained disturbance of noncombatants, including ministers and priest. Occasions, for example, these cleared a route for his change and he changed his convictions into accepting that genuine success couldn’t be prevailed upon by arms however rather be won by the dhamma. Albeit a few legends state that Asoka turned out to be incredibly religious and even was a priest in his maturity, the columns furnish us with a less figure substantially less religious and somebody who advanced more by hopeful, helpful way of thinking instead of Buddhist doctrinal interests. Shake proclamation number seven said that Asoka encouraged constancy, virtue of heart, self-dominance, and appreciation. Buddha’s biography is reflected by the tale of Asoka’s change to Buddhism where one technique (nibbana) supplanted the other (samsara) and the earlier at that point assumes the rearmost. Asoka went from one who advanced things, for example, issue and mischievousness to somebody who advanced positived things like request and honesty. (Swearer 2010: 74-75) Asoka was the middle purpose of the establishing of the Theravada Buddhism and as indicated by accounts by the Theravada in Southeast Asia effective rulers, as per the individuals who made the narratives were the ones who copied King Asoka. The individuals who emulated Asoka manufactured structures particularly stupas which were the places for Buddhism in Southeast Asia, just as cleansed the dhamma and the sangha. (Swearer 2010: 82) Buddhist rulers in Southeast Asia copied Asoka every now and again. Particularly in Asoka’s incessant structure of the stupas. One such model is King Anirruddha who caused Pagan to turn into the overwhelming kingdom in Burma. In spite of the fact that the landmarks in Pagan can’t coordinate Angkor Wat or Borobudur, the sizes and degrees are wondrous. Anniruddha brought to Pagan a relic from a stupa called the Baw-baw-kyi that was inside the Pyu focal point of Thaton. Anniruddha’s successors additionally finished the stupas that he started and were even given more wondrous titles than him. (Swearer 2010: 94) Another ruler, called King Ramkhamhaeng anticipated the Manansilapatra which was a ventured pyramid with which the lord allowed gatherings and after that the priests were there to lecture the dhamma. (Swearer 2010: 98) Buddhism has kept on affecting political pioneers and power even as of late for instance U Nu of Burma in January 1948 was chosen the main PM of the naturally autonomous Union of Burma. He lectured a creed that blended communism and Buddhism fundamentally expressing that a network on a national level must be constructed just if every individual inside the country could conquer their narrow minded interests. He likewise contended against material products saying that they were not intended to be spared or utilized for individual solace yet just for the necessities of life in “the adventure to nibbana.” (Swearer 2010: 110) U Nu’s very own way of life utilized components of the conventional perfect of the upright Buddhist ruler for instance a half year after he had taken up office the administration was about toppled by an uprising wherein he reacted with a pledge of sexual forbearance. Another case of Buddhism affecting present day governmental issues is S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike who was turned into the PM of Ceylon in the year 1956. Like U Nu he utilized the institutional intensity of Buddhism and images to pick up office, anyway things, for example, a call by a religious ideological group to make Sinhala the national language drove hatreds which took Bandaranaike’s life in death. (Swearer 2010: 116-117) Bandaranaike likewise like U Nu advanced Buddhism established inside communism and despite the fact that his way of life did not pursue the honest Buddhist ruler perfect equivalent to U Nu he utilized the Buddhist “Center Way” to speak to the majority in universal as a well as national gathering; to numerous he is viewed as a national saint. Taking everything into account, Buddhism is profoundly established inside the political kingdoms and present day social orders of Southeast Asia. Utilizing the model Asoka set as an honorable ruler numerous rulers inside Southeast Asia have imitated him. There has been a chain response of connections among Buddhism and legislative issues beginning from the Buddha and his initial ruler supporters, to King Anirruddha and as of late U Nu and Bandaranaike.>

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