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1.After a lawsuit is filed by a plaintiff in a civil case, service of process rules require

Under the Constitution

During a trial, the attorney for the defense can do which of the following at the conclusion of the presentation of the plaintiff’s case?

Lake City enacts an ordinance that bans minors between fifteen and seventeen years old from public places after 10 p.m. on weeknights unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Based on the cases discussed in class, this ordinance will most likely be held to be

In United Data Corporation’s suit against International Industries, Inc., the jury returns a verdict against United. United files a motion asking the judge to reverse the verdict and issue a judgment in its favor. This is a motion for

a new trial.

Iowa enacts a law that restricts certain kinds of advertising to protect consumers from being misled. This law would likely be held by a court to be

Ira and Jill are involved in a lawsuit that meets the requirements for a jury trial in their state. As in most states, if neither party requests a jury

When there is a direct conflict between a federal law and a state law

Speech that encourages people to engage in violent acts or otherwise break the law is protected under the First Amendment

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