We can work on POLS 2306 UT Health Services in Texas Background Method & Applications Research – Assignment Help

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Research Paper Policy Assignment

The research assignment is designed for you to take a policy/issue that pertains to Texas, research and analyze it in depth and detail and come up with your own solutions to the issue. For this assignment, you can opt to do a traditional research paper or submit a multimedia presentation

If you choose to do a traditional paper it ought to be at least 5-6 pages in length and include a bibliography with at least 8 – 10 sources or more

topic: Health care policy

topic has already been chosen as well as what you will be direction you will be going. I will attach it below . as well as mention what more can be addressed in the essay. we will not be doing any presentations just a plain old traditional paper. If you need more time I can extend it.

*What can be addressed in the essay: Elaborate a little more on the fact that Texas refused expanded medicaid under the ACA and how Texas has the highest number of uninsured.*

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