We can work on POLI 113A San Jose State University Unemployemnet in Malaysia Paper – Assignment Help

I need help with a Political Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

This class is Political and Economy in Southeast Asia!!!

You are required to create a data visualization that conveys information about anything related to Southeast Asia (Political, Economy, gender, LGBT, Education, etc…). PLEASE DISCUSS THE TOPIC WITH ME BEFORE YOU START WORKING ON IT. The visualization must conform with the following instructions:

1. You collect raw data and create a graphic that presents the information from the data. The data could be from secondary source(s) but you are required to create the visualization by yourself.

2. You must choose the graphic format, title, label, colors, fonts that are appropriate to the information you present (line, bar, pie, scatter plot, fitted line, map, etc.). The graphic must be clearly presented and easy to understand.

3. It contains a short paragraph that summarizes the main message of the graphic. You can also add supplementary/clarifying information related to the graphic in this paragraph. The paragraph must not exceed 100 words. This word limit is strictly enforced.

4. It contains the source(s) of the data.

5. The graphic, the summary paragraph, the data sources, and your name must be in one page of a letter size paper. Submit (1) the pdf format of the assignment AND (2) the raw data in spreadsheet format (e.g. .xls or .csv).

6. Your visualization is due on Tuesday, November 10th at 11:59 p.m. You will present your infographic in class on Friday, November 13th. Each presentation will be no longer than 2 minutes (plus Q&A).

7. Prepare some Questions and Answers for your Audiences to make the session more engaged.

8. Best of luck!

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