This essay will focus on our second unit on poetry. You have three choices for Paper 2, so please be sure that you follow carefully the instructions for the assignment you choose. I should be able to determine easily which of the topics you are addressing in your paper.
When you are ready to begin your essay on poetry, CHOOSE ONE of the following paper topics:
- Choose one of the U.S. poets laureate (1986 – present). Select 3 or more poems by this author that address a common subject. Develop a thesis about what these works suggest about the author’s style or thematic focus (this will be your thesis).
This paper is NOT a biography of a poet. You must provide a reason to discuss the works together beyond the fact that they were written by the same person. Choose poems that TOGETHER reflect the poet’s approach to poetry or address one of his or her major themes. Not only must you link the poems to this common theme, you must also link the poems to each other. The essay should read as a single paper, not as separate summaries of three unrelated poems.
- Choose a poem by someone other than Robert Frost, Edgar Allan Poe, or Emily Dickinson. Identify at least three key symbolic images in the poem and explain how they contribute to a reading of the poem (this will be your thesis). (You donât need to state that the poem can be read symbolically as well as literally since this is true of most poems.) For example, if the poem includes an image of a storm, consider how the storm means something other than just the literal wind and rain. Does the storm represent an emotional upheaval, a psychological turning point, a public or private state of chaos? And if the poem also includes images of, say, night and water, how are all of these symbols linked by a common theme?
In your first paragraph, briefly describe the poem and end by explaining what the poem means. Organize the body paragraphs around the specific symbolic images, not around the stanzas of the poem. In other words, avoid a stanza-by-stanza reading of the poem.
- Compare one of the poems in the anthology to the lyrics of a song that addresses a similar subject. Identify the poem and song’s common theme and explain what the works say individually about this theme or subject. Explain if the two works compare or contrast (emphasize one or the other) and how they comment on one another (this will be your thesis). In other words, explain what we gain by reading the two works together. (You must include the song lyrics at the end of your essay.) You should refer to the lyricist of the song as the author (this person may or may not be an artist who performed the song).
Sample Solution
Exchange around two in a general sense alternate points of view toward authority improvement â ‘Pioneers are conceived’ and ‘Initiative aptitudes can be created’. Initiative is viewed as a significant segment of any association’s structure on the grounds that whatsoever dimensions in an association there will in general be places of power. In each association there will be individuals under the control of individuals with higher occupation titles and status, for instance, representatives under the intensity of group pioneer, i.e., absolutely expressing “⦠subordinates under the control of super ordinates (Finchman, R. et al, 2003).” In spite of the fact that there is a wide scope of meanings of initiative, it very well may be for the most part be characterized as the capacity to inspire and impact other individuals to perform errands and accomplish targets which else they wouldn’t be happy to do. Besides, authority relies on the setting wherein it happens alongside a comprehension of the requirements and conclusions of its adherents. In any case, still there has been a great deal of contention and discussion concerning the distinction among the executives and initiative. The facts confirm that contrasts between the two terms can be put conveniently on paper, yet at the same time it is recommended that the qualifications between the two are ambiguous, with the two characteristics for the most part covering each other in business setting. This is on the grounds that it is accepted that each supervisor will undoubtedly have initiative characteristics to have the option to work successfully towards the achievement of an association. As writing states, there have been alternate points of view identifying with initiative advancement. They essentially are the Trait Approaches, Behavioral Approaches, Contingency hypotheses and the Transformational speculations of administration. The attribute hypothesis accepts that pioneers are conceived and have certain character qualities in advance which at last lead them to take on an incredible prevailing position. Social methodologies search for certain perfect personal conduct standards in the pioneers and possibility speculations express that there is nobody hopeful authority quality and that pioneers ought to change their characteristics and abilities as indicated by the situational requests just as identifying with the social and authoritative setting of the association. At last, the transformational speculations present the rise of the new pioneer with characteristics, for example, being visionary, motivational and participative alongside empowering change. As per hypotheses and looks into led, it is called attention to that a decent pioneer would be simply the person who comprehends, his individual and gathering individuals with whom he interfaces and the organization alongside the more extensive social condition in which he attempts to have the option to pick shrewdly his aptitudes. Likewise, he can carry on properly in the midst of discernments that are all around critically important to his conduct, i.e., to have the option to coordinate when called for course and to have the option to give opportunity when there is necessity of participative opportunity. They are accepted to build up bearing and are relied upon to urge individuals to come into their techniques and plans. Likewise, there are some initiative abilities which are viewed as imperative. These for the most part incorporate a capacity to have an instinct and judgment, the insight factor, inspiration, self-assuredness, chance taking capacity, savvy enough to dissect circumstances and take activities, pertinent information and some more. Presently, here we are worried about the two essentially alternate points of view of whether ‘Pioneers are conceived’ or ‘Authority abilities can be created’ towards the advancement of administration characteristics and their particular ramifications on the improvement of the board in an association. Be that as it may, picking one point of view can now and again be troublesome. This is because of truth that initiative being such an abstract theme, it is difficult to put stock in a solitary point of view. Both the points of view are all in all correct to their very own degree. It is to be sure a substantiates reality that there are conceived Leaders. Besides, the maturity saying that ‘Pioneers are conceived and not made’ even gets more grounded by taking a gander at all the instances of extraordinary and notable pioneers, similar to Hitler, Mother Teresa, and so on. These pioneers picked up their status and regard on account of their solid characters or some in-conceived credits which are hard to come through preparing and improvement. It is a subtle charm in certain individuals which at last makes them World pioneers and the supporters admire them. What’s more, these specific characteristics looked in a pioneer are commonly the ones that are the in-developed qualities of one’s character, for example the capacity to have an instinct and vision, inspiration factor and the normal insight. These are on the whole qualities which contrast from individual to individual. Additionally, by birth specific sort of ability is as of now implanted in a couple of individuals due to which they stand separated and go on to the way of turning into a pioneer. For instance: An individual who is a normal ball player will always be unable to accomplish the abilities which Michael Jordan exceeds expectations at regardless of getting the best preparing, putting in the entirety of his endeavors and rehearsing without limit. However, his aptitudes would improve yet never to that degree. What’s more, consequently, we see that the idea of conceived pioneers is existent. Be that as it may, at that point to what degree would this be able to be believed to be valid? Should we accept that the aptitudes by birth are only the abilities to be had to move toward becoming pioneers, i.e., there can be no self-improvement for an individual coming up short on the purported essential abilities to turn into a pioneer. Here comes a significant point that, by simply being brought into the world with ability, it isn’t essential that one turns into a pioneer. Except if and until one chips away at the quest for flawlessness and improvement, he/she won’t most likely ready to turn into a Leader. Truth be told, all the extraordinary pioneers who achieved their status today did as such because of their diligent work and possibly experienced a type of learning process. It was essential for them likewise to sharpen and build up their abilities and gain from their antecedents. For instance : It was seen that President John.F.Kennedy however made an extraordinary pioneer, perhaps for certain individuals, because of his appeal persona yet the reality was that he likewise made them gain from London School of Economics and he additionally attempted a Leadership preparing program in the military administrations during World War II. Also, there is an issue related with distinguishing what sorts of initiative abilities are well-suited. With regards to picking Leadership positions in associations, the associations by and large pay special mind to mastery, work understanding and the individual rank dimensions. They search for individuals with solid or alluring characters, who are directing and can oversee other individuals well by entrancing them with their stage nearness. Be that as it may, these are typically wrong markers of picking extraordinary pioneers. This is seen from the way that even the phenomenal associations having the most smart, encounters and astute directorate have made the blunders of picking the wrong heads. In California, when there was a fast change in the innovation part because of the development of web IPOs, HP understood that they required an administration change with a pioneer with a naturally new business point of view to help control its mulling stock costs and slowing down development. For this they procured a pioneer who had won a considerable amount of business titles and had an inspiring foundation. However, in the hands of the new pioneer, the organization endured its first misfortune, lost numerous occupations and saw an abatement in their stock costs. In any case, contrastingly, in the hands of the previous practical CEO, HP’s yearly deals expanded. This demonstrated authority assumes a significant job in the achievement or disappointment of an association, yet still numerous organizations don’t have viable Leadership Development programs set up and they enjoy and put resources into it just as far as crises. An examination directed by the Institute of Leadership Management demonstrated that a noteworthy extent of business pioneers today should owe the credit to the picking up of their authority aptitudes from encounters learnt outside the school, as 12 percent left school before the age of 16 and only 33% of them (31 percent) had a University degree on leaving full time instruction. These measurements, in this way, express so as to make progress, scholarly capabilities probably won’t be a pre-essential and administration aptitudes can be created through instructing and formal preparing additionally with a viable improvement program set up. Sam Walton, originator of Wal-Mart, demonstrated qualities of turning into a future chief from adolescence. Be that as it may, since he didn’t have a scholarly degree he was not seen to be fit for the portrayal of a great chief. When he joined JC Penny as an administration student, he generally buckled down however then his desk work wasn’t sufficient due to which his supervisor dependably revealed to him that he wasn’t fit for retail industry. Finally, he surrendered, not to sit back but rather to open his own firm which offered rivalry to JC Penny and outperformed it in retail strength. This model recommends that regardless of not having scholastic capability, Sam Walton would have been an extraordinary pioneer for JC Penny, in the event that it had a powerful framework to tap the initiative potential in him. Consequently, the above focuses recommend that initiative abilities can be created through authority preparing improvement programs as well as from genuine learning encounters emerging hands on front. Henceforth, the point of view ‘Initiative aptitudes can be created’ holds more significance than the viewpoint ‘Pioneers were conceived’. >
Exchange around two in a general sense alternate points of view toward authority improvement â ‘Pioneers are conceived’ and ‘Initiative aptitudes can be created’. Initiative is viewed as a significant segment of any association’s structure on the grounds that whatsoever dimensions in an association there will in general be places of power. In each association there will be individuals under the control of individuals with higher occupation titles and status, for instance, representatives under the intensity of group pioneer, i.e., absolutely expressing “⦠subordinates under the control of super ordinates (Finchman, R. et al, 2003).” In spite of the fact that there is a wide scope of meanings of initiative, it very well may be for the most part be characterized as the capacity to inspire and impact other individuals to perform errands and accomplish targets which else they wouldn’t be happy to do. Besides, authority relies on the setting wherein it happens alongside a comprehension of the requirements and conclusions of its adherents. In any case, still there has been a great deal of contention and discussion concerning the distinction among the executives and initiative. The facts confirm that contrasts between the two terms can be put conveniently on paper, yet at the same time it is recommended that the qualifications between the two are ambiguous, with the two characteristics for the most part covering each other in business setting. This is on the grounds that it is accepted that each supervisor will undoubtedly have initiative characteristics to have the option to work successfully towards the achievement of an association. As writing states, there have been alternate points of view identifying with initiative advancement. They essentially are the Trait Approaches, Behavioral Approaches, Contingency hypotheses and the Transformational speculations of administration. The attribute hypothesis accepts that pioneers are conceived and have certain character qualities in advance which at last lead them to take on an incredible prevailing position. Social methodologies search for certain perfect personal conduct standards in the pioneers and possibility speculations express that there is nobody hopeful authority quality and that pioneers ought to change their characteristics and abilities as indicated by the situational requests just as identifying with the social and authoritative setting of the association. At last, the transformational speculations present the rise of the new pioneer with characteristics, for example, being visionary, motivational and participative alongside empowering change. As per hypotheses and looks into led, it is called attention to that a decent pioneer would be simply the person who comprehends, his individual and gathering individuals with whom he interfaces and the organization alongside the more extensive social condition in which he attempts to have the option to pick shrewdly his aptitudes. Likewise, he can carry on properly in the midst of discernments that are all around critically important to his conduct, i.e., to have the option to coordinate when called for course and to have the option to give opportunity when there is necessity of participative opportunity. They are accepted to build up bearing and are relied upon to urge individuals to come into their techniques and plans. Likewise, there are some initiative abilities which are viewed as imperative. These for the most part incorporate a capacity to have an instinct and judgment, the insight factor, inspiration, self-assuredness, chance taking capacity, savvy enough to dissect circumstances and take activities, pertinent information and some more. Presently, here we are worried about the two essentially alternate points of view of whether ‘Pioneers are conceived’ or ‘Authority abilities can be created’ towards the advancement of administration characteristics and their particular ramifications on the improvement of the board in an association. Be that as it may, picking one point of view can now and again be troublesome. This is because of truth that initiative being such an abstract theme, it is difficult to put stock in a solitary point of view. Both the points of view are all in all correct to their very own degree. It is to be sure a substantiates reality that there are conceived Leaders. Besides, the maturity saying that ‘Pioneers are conceived and not made’ even gets more grounded by taking a gander at all the instances of extraordinary and notable pioneers, similar to Hitler, Mother Teresa, and so on. These pioneers picked up their status and regard on account of their solid characters or some in-conceived credits which are hard to come through preparing and improvement. It is a subtle charm in certain individuals which at last makes them World pioneers and the supporters admire them. What’s more, these specific characteristics looked in a pioneer are commonly the ones that are the in-developed qualities of one’s character, for example the capacity to have an instinct and vision, inspiration factor and the normal insight. These are on the whole qualities which contrast from individual to individual. Additionally, by birth specific sort of ability is as of now implanted in a couple of individuals due to which they stand separated and go on to the way of turning into a pioneer. For instance: An individual who is a normal ball player will always be unable to accomplish the abilities which Michael Jordan exceeds expectations at regardless of getting the best preparing, putting in the entirety of his endeavors and rehearsing without limit. However, his aptitudes would improve yet never to that degree. What’s more, consequently, we see that the idea of conceived pioneers is existent. Be that as it may, at that point to what degree would this be able to be believed to be valid? Should we accept that the aptitudes by birth are only the abilities to be had to move toward becoming pioneers, i.e., there can be no self-improvement for an individual coming up short on the purported essential abilities to turn into a pioneer. Here comes a significant point that, by simply being brought into the world with ability, it isn’t essential that one turns into a pioneer. Except if and until one chips away at the quest for flawlessness and improvement, he/she won’t most likely ready to turn into a Leader. Truth be told, all the extraordinary pioneers who achieved their status today did as such because of their diligent work and possibly experienced a type of learning process. It was essential for them likewise to sharpen and build up their abilities and gain from their antecedents. For instance : It was seen that President John.F.Kennedy however made an extraordinary pioneer, perhaps for certain individuals, because of his appeal persona yet the reality was that he likewise made them gain from London School of Economics and he additionally attempted a Leadership preparing program in the military administrations during World War II. Also, there is an issue related with distinguishing what sorts of initiative abilities are well-suited. With regards to picking Leadership positions in associations, the associations by and large pay special mind to mastery, work understanding and the individual rank dimensions. They search for individuals with solid or alluring characters, who are directing and can oversee other individuals well by entrancing them with their stage nearness. Be that as it may, these are typically wrong markers of picking extraordinary pioneers. This is seen from the way that even the phenomenal associations having the most smart, encounters and astute directorate have made the blunders of picking the wrong heads. In California, when there was a fast change in the innovation part because of the development of web IPOs, HP understood that they required an administration change with a pioneer with a naturally new business point of view to help control its mulling stock costs and slowing down development. For this they procured a pioneer who had won a considerable amount of business titles and had an inspiring foundation. However, in the hands of the new pioneer, the organization endured its first misfortune, lost numerous occupations and saw an abatement in their stock costs. In any case, contrastingly, in the hands of the previous practical CEO, HP’s yearly deals expanded. This demonstrated authority assumes a significant job in the achievement or disappointment of an association, yet still numerous organizations don’t have viable Leadership Development programs set up and they enjoy and put resources into it just as far as crises. An examination directed by the Institute of Leadership Management demonstrated that a noteworthy extent of business pioneers today should owe the credit to the picking up of their authority aptitudes from encounters learnt outside the school, as 12 percent left school before the age of 16 and only 33% of them (31 percent) had a University degree on leaving full time instruction. These measurements, in this way, express so as to make progress, scholarly capabilities probably won’t be a pre-essential and administration aptitudes can be created through instructing and formal preparing additionally with a viable improvement program set up. Sam Walton, originator of Wal-Mart, demonstrated qualities of turning into a future chief from adolescence. Be that as it may, since he didn’t have a scholarly degree he was not seen to be fit for the portrayal of a great chief. When he joined JC Penny as an administration student, he generally buckled down however then his desk work wasn’t sufficient due to which his supervisor dependably revealed to him that he wasn’t fit for retail industry. Finally, he surrendered, not to sit back but rather to open his own firm which offered rivalry to JC Penny and outperformed it in retail strength. This model recommends that regardless of not having scholastic capability, Sam Walton would have been an extraordinary pioneer for JC Penny, in the event that it had a powerful framework to tap the initiative potential in him. Consequently, the above focuses recommend that initiative abilities can be created through authority preparing improvement programs as well as from genuine learning encounters emerging hands on front. Henceforth, the point of view ‘Initiative aptitudes can be created’ holds more significance than the viewpoint ‘Pioneers were conceived’. >