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In my eyes and moral understanding, sex before marriage is not ethically wrong. Consensual sex between two individuals should be allowed and accepted, as they both have understanding of what happens and helps them satisfy any “desires” that they wish to have fulfilled. What is not okay is forcing yourself on another individual and causing them harm and traumatic stress. I would also say that cheating is morally incorrect as well, unless you are in an open relationship that you and your partner have set those parameters. Being loyal to your partner is the morally right then to do, just think of the “golden rule” in these circumstances. Do you want them to cheat on you if you cheat on them?


I think that sex before marriage would be considered morally wrong to some, but for most it is a normal thing to do nowadays. Most people would consider sex outside of marriage morally okay because it is their choice on what they do with their bodies. Now just because a lot of people do it, does not mean it is right. I think morally though, more good can come out of doing whatever you want with your body than more good can come out of saying something most people do is morally wrong. Many religious standpoints would disagree because sex before marriage is a sin. Kantian/ duty-based views would say sex before marriage is morally wrong because you are not respecting someone by objectifying and using them for casual sex. He would consider that degrading and it definitely would not become a law or rule. Adultery/ cheating would be considered morally wrong. This would be because infidelity would lead to a lot more negative things for the couple. Cheating in the first place is not moral because it is saying that you are above the other in the relationship and you are not being honest. Utilitarian views would agree that adultery is morally wrong because it is not for the common good. This would only be maybe positive for the person doing it, hurting more people than the action does good for.


Is sex before marriage wrong? This depends on a lot of variables, I would say that your religion would dictate this. Thankfully we live in the US and the State is separated from Church, and the US government can’t make laws say for or against. This is a personal choice and should be left to the individual. This will create the happiest population. We have many religions and for the most part people respect others religion. The US Army has a reg that only authorized sex position is missionary. You can try to make a universal law but good luck enforcing it.

Is adultery morally wrong? This again depends on the couple. Some people are into open relationships or swinging, and some aren’t. There isn’t a one size fits all. I personally think it breaks the foundation of the home but I’m all for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


I think morally no, it is not wrong. You can look at it from a religious standpoint or many others ways and that community or group may believe it is wrong, but when actually looking at morals the time and when you have sex has nothing to do with it. Morals when talking about sex is all in the action, such as how you treat your partner. Many feel that it is morally wrong do to the fact that they find it hard to discuss and openly talk about it if they are not married with that other person. However, a subject like this is definitely a personally choice. If one chooses to wait till marriage that doesn’t make them any more morally right or wrong then a person that has sex prior to marriage.

On the other hand you look at adultery and ask yourself the same question. I think that adultery is different. When you commit adultery you have cheating on your spouse and also in turn lying to them. I don’t think it really matters the situation, if you are married to someone then you took the vows to always remain faithful, and if you commit adultery then you are no longer keeping your promise to your spouse. So, if you looked at any of the ethical theories you would also see they state it as ethically and morally wrong. The outcome or consequences are not good, it is not your duty to commit such an act, and if you think that virtue ethics agrees with this action then you should probably rethink your morals and ethics in general.

Filipovic, J. (2012, September 24). The moral case for sex before marriage | Jill Filipovic. Retrieved October 06, 2020, from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/sep/24/moral-case-for-sex-before-marriage


I do believe that men and women think differently about certain issues, because they prioritize them differently. Men might not think highly of reproductive rights because we do not have to go through that experience ourselves. Women might not be keen and gun rights because, historically, more men have fought in wars or have hunted than women. My belief is that historical context plays a big component in these thought processes.


Naturally, men and women are different and will disagree on certain things. They can also agree. Now days, it really depends on who your audience is. Prior to being stationed here at Fort Sill, I was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. Men and women (for the most part), agree on gun rights in Texas. Reproductive rights is an extremely sensitive topic and have been diminished because of lack of knowledge of women’s needs. Men do not tend to think about all of the intricacies of the female body and reproductive system. I do not want to get too in depth, but there is an extremely large gender gap when it comes to women’s rights. Biological difference between women and men are important for ethical reasoning and decision- making. I serve in the United States Army as a young, black, woman in a branch that is statistically majority male. There have been times where I am criticized for having “routine” female reproductive appointments (gynecology appointments), and for receiving infertility treatments (the rumor is that I want to avoid deployment…untrue I have deployed during my six years of honorable service). My daughter is five years old and I have put having a baby on hold to deploy in 2017. I feel like now, after waiting for three years, is a great time to have another child [laugh]. It is uncomfortable for people to talk about this, but men and women biological differences play a part in a lot of issues. It should not be this way, but that is the reality of our world. The world is working on closing the gender gap and great progress has been made. There is still a lot of work to be done.


Looking at the evolution of the human species compared to Neanderthals it would make sense that women and men have different values. In Neanderthals both women and men would equally gather food and hunt. Humans do not the men would do the hard of hunting and gathering and the women would do the hard work of maintaining a home. This has changed in the past fifty years but ethics still reflect this.


I think that there is a different in thinking between men and women on some ethical issues, but I don’t know if it is as much a reason due to biological reasons or just a difference in opinion based on the issue and how they prioritize it. For reproductive rights for example, reproductive issues obviously impact women more then those designs may impact men. This can lead to them having a difference in opinion due to the fact that issue may have a different effect on certain genders more. However, I feel this is a good thing. I think it helps with ethical reasoning and decision making based on those issues that are gender split.

Then if you look at gun rights which is another big issues that is gender split, it again has different effects on gender. Like if you look at hunting for example. It is statistically shown that more men hunt then women and that 75% of women that hunt do it with at least one male partner. This means that gun rights from a hunting standpoint most likely will effect men more then women, so this can effect ones view and standpoint on an issue.

Spokesman-Review, & Rich Landers – The Spokesman-Review, K. (2015, May 11). Number of women hunters is growing, but they hunt for different reasons than men. Retrieved October 07, 2020, from https://www.idahostatesman.com/outdoors/hunting/article40858359.html

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