We can work on PHIL 1310 CCC Affirmative Action Foundations and Key Concepts Article Summary – Assignment Help

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1. Using the Internet or library as a resource, find an academic article related to your research manuscript topic. Once you have found an article, copy it into a Microsoft Word document. You have access to Microsoft Word through your Concorde 365 email account.

2. Using the “Track Changes” tool in Microsoft Word, annotate your article. For tips on how to use Track Changes, click on the following links:

3. Annotating an article means that you provide a brief analysis of the article. You can begin by reading the article once through to understand the main idea. Then go back and look up any words or concepts you do not understand. Next, look at the points the author makes and any rationale that is provided to back up the main ideas (you may underline, bold, or comment to indicate these). You may also want to note any particular passages that you think are important. Be sure to track all of the edits that you make during your annotation. Review the annotation example below before you start.

4. Write a summary (250-350 words) of the article after you have completed your reading.

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